Urban Strengthening System

Chapter 1470: Early in the morning

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Hou Yehong used the ropes retrieved from the members of the hunting group to tie up the members of the group and tied them to a few big trees.

The members of the hunting group were already scared by a branch of Yehong, and they were **** by Yehong without any resistance.

"You, what are you going to do to us?"

Asked the scar leader with a worried look.

Ye Hong clapped his hands and said lightly: "I know you must be a group of poor eggs, so rest assured, I won't blackmail you.

But during this time, you should stay here. "

Hearing the crit of the soul, the members of the hunting group bowed their heads in embarrassment, not knowing whether they should be happy or sad.

When Yehong turned around, he found that Xiao Rijing still maintained a shocked look.

"If you don't leave, time will pass."

Ye Hong pointed to the wrist position.

Xiao Rijing hurriedly looked down at his watch, but found that the pointer was less than five minutes left in the early morning.

His face changed, and he hurried towards the top of the mountain.

Guo Tang and Wan Xuan reacted, and quickly followed.

The members of the hunting group stared at the figure of several people leaving.

And Guo Tang at the end of the team suddenly turned his head, showing a strange smile to the members of the hunting group that could not move: "Everyone, I just seemed to see the sword and green snake in the neighborhood."

Then he left here without looking back.

The members of the hunting group suddenly had no blood on their faces.

"Save-life-ah -"

Under the silent night sky, this cry of cry for help came from far away.

On the mountainside, an ordinary and simple village.

At this point, in addition to the villagers on duty patrolling outside the village, the rest of the villagers in Yunmeng Village have entered the dream.

At this time, the main road leading to Qingwu Mountain.

A group of big men with flashlights stopped their patrols and stopped to listen.

"Have you heard anything?"

"It seems...it came from the mountain?"

"No! The thief must have sneaked up the mountain!"

"Notify the village chief!"

The lights of every household in Yunmeng Village were instantly lit, and a fierce villager with a fierce look gathered the lights and gathered them at the entrance of the village.

They were wearing strange brown leather armor.

Not only that, but many villagers also held a dark crossbow in their hands.

Silver arrows rose from the quiver around their waists, exuding a chill.

These crossbow arrows are lethal at a glance!

In front of the villagers of No. 100, is a middle-aged man with a strong figure.

His face was heroic and his expression was cold, as if an iron tower stood on the ground.

He shouted to the villagers in Yunmeng Village: "The thieves took the fairy spirits from the mountains, but now the thieves are still immortal and slipped into the fairy mountains.

This time they must not be allowed to escape, they must be taught blood! "

"Lesson of blood!"

"Lesson of blood!"

"Lesson of blood!"

The villagers roared violently, with all kinds of fighting intentions.

The muscular man waved his big hand and shouted, "Go up the mountain!"

The villagers held the lights in a long line and quickly ran towards the top of Qingwu Mountain.



Xiao Rijing's watch sounded softly, indicating that the hour hand had finally reached the early morning hours.

At this time, the location of the four people was only a few dozen steps away from the Crescent Lake.

They were hidden in dense bushes, observing the lake not far away through the gaps in the jungle.


Guo Tang suddenly shouted with excitement.

The top of the mountain is not covered by the fog, and everyone can clearly see a petite figure walking slowly on the lake shore.

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