Urban Strengthening System

Chapter 1480: Opening of the conference

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Seeing Ono's tearful performance, people around were moved.

"This poor child... don't embarrass her."

Many passers-by wiped their tears, and all began to help persuade the people of the Wei Xu team.

Seeing that more and more people were talking to Ono, the members of the Wei Xu team, plus Ono did indeed look harmless to humans and animals, waved his hands impatiently: "Hurry in!"

"Thank you big brothers."

Ono bowed obediently to the Wei Xu team members and entered the square.

Quietly gestured a victory gesture to Ye Hong and his party.

Ye Hong and others were all stunned, and even after a burst of silent smiles, Qi Qi raised an admired thumb towards Ono.

Ye Hong even said helplessly: This little devil can act more than Lao Tzu!

The slight waves did not delay the crowd for too long.

After entering the square, Ye Hong and others found the tent with the brand name of Jiangnan Ancient Medical Association.

At the same time, other tents can be seen standing in all directions.

These tents are, of course, the home of the member delegations from the Provincial Ancient Medical Association.

Province of Water Discount, Anhui Province, Central Plains...

Even remote southern Xinjiang and the Kyoto side, who have never been interested in this kind of competition, have sent members.

The tents lined with ancient doctors wearing ancient doctor robes from various provinces came and went, and it was the most unprecedented grand conference in recent years.

There are not many things in the hood, except for a few tables and chairs, there is only a humble bed and a huge machine.

This machine Yehong is quite familiar, it is the virtual experimental machine of ancient medicine.

Ye Hong's heart moved, secretly guessing that the experimental machine should be used in later games.

A total of three more obvious areas were divided on the square.

One is the competition area where ancient doctors from various provinces are located, and the other is the activity area and competition area for other personnel.

As for the area located in the center of the square and surrounded by tents, it is the referee area.

In the referee area, four huge displays with a height of more than ten meters stand.

The four screens are oriented in four different directions, so everyone in the square can see the content on the screen.

At about half past eight, a young woman holding a microphone was suddenly projected on the display.

The square was silent for a moment, and everyone knew that the conference was about to begin.

As expected, this woman is the host of this conference.

Her sweet voice passed through the speakers to the whole square.

"I am honored to be the host of this National Ancient Medicine Exchange Conference, my name is..."

After a lengthy introduction, as the camera turned, five people sitting on the chair appeared on the display.

They were all dressed in white ancient doctor robes. Although they couldn't see their faces clearly, they all felt extraordinary.

"Next, please allow me to solemnly introduce the five judges of this ancient medicine contest.

They are......"

The camera suddenly zoomed in and aimed at a middle-aged woman with a pearl necklace.

She has a contrast to men and thick eyebrows, and the whole person exudes a cold feeling that is very difficult to get along with.

At the same time, the host's voice also came out: "Because Mr. President is in a hug today, his qualifications for the judges will be replaced by Ms. Ye Qiubai, President of the Dongting Provincial Ancient Medical Association."

Ye Qiubai stood up and waved at the crowd to greet everyone.

She seemed to be smiling, but the arc of the corner of her mouth made people feel no joy at all, but it made people feel panicked.

It was like seeing a poisonous snake with a grin.

Ye Hong picked up the tea cup on the table, close to her mouth, and her deep eyes silently looked at the woman on the display.

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