Urban Strengthening System

Chapter 1489: Third round

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After the second round of competition, the organizers give each team a 20-minute break.

Somewhere secluded by the square.

Ye Qiubai gave a cold face and snarled at the other end of the phone: "If you don't win the victory today, you can wait to roll back to the countryside as a medicine farmer!"

She hung up the phone, her sharp eyes looked toward the square.

"No one wants to stop me from showing my ambitions!"

On the other side, Guan Cangzhu was dripping with sweat after hanging up the phone.

"Uncle, what did the president tell?"

Guan Nanxing asked anxiously.

Guan Cangzhu wiped his cold sweat and gritted his teeth: "I didn't want people to discover Shannu's things.

There is no other way.

Go and quickly arrange for the appearance of Shan Nu! "



Before the third round, the Jiangnan Association's tent welcomed two uninvited guests.

When Guan Cangzhu and Guan Nanxing appeared at the door of the tent at the same time, several major members were surprised.

"Huh? You're not the one..."

Fang Yun recognized Guan Nanxing, but did not know why he stood with Guan Cangzhu.

"Introduction, Guan Nan nephew Guan Nanxing."

Guan Cangzhu had a strange smile on his face, and Guan Nanxing also laughed and greeted a few people: "Let's meet again."

Fang Yun and others immediately changed their faces.

If Guan Nanxing is the nephew of Guan Cangzhu, then he must have some attempt to get close to everyone that day.

Seeing the changing faces of everyone, Guan Cangzhu and Guan Nanxing were all proud.

This is the purpose of their current visit-to shake the pre-match morale of Jiangnan Association members.

However, there is a consistent look in the tent, that is Ye Hong.

Others do not know the relationship between Guan Nanxing and Guan Cangzhu, but Ye Hong had some speculation when he first saw Guan Nanxing that day.

Therefore, all his actions are to deter Guan Cangzhu behind Guan Nanxing.

But now it seems that Guan Cangzhu still decided to go to the end.

Ye Hong glanced at Guan Nanxing and said lightly: "I didn't expect how easy it was that the people of the Weixu team would let you out, and now it makes you appear on this field.

Can I infer that the two of you have some unspeakable relationship with the captain Zhang Yong?

If this matter is always known, I would rather look forward to their views.

I heard that the members of the association colluded with the Wei Xu team, but it was a big crime. "

This time it was difficult for Guan Cangzhu and Guan Nanxing to look.

Ye Hong casually said a few words, and they were shocked.

This is all right, the morale on the opposite side is not shaken, but they start to panic in their hearts.

"Live, shut up!"

Guan Cangshu screamed inwardly: "Yehong, you will lose in the third round of Jiangnan, let's just wait and see!"

After talking, it was like oil on the soles of the feet, pulling Guan Nanxing away in a hurry.

They were afraid that Ye Hong would speak again, so they didn't know how to take it.

The appearance of these two arrogant and embarrassed departure finally made Fang Yun laugh.

The originally tense atmosphere has become more relaxed.


Soon, the third round of competition officially started.

The title of the third round is [Qu Ji].

As the name suggests, this is a practical game.

Get rid of diseases, get rid of stubborn diseases.

This round not only tested the experience of ancient physicians, but also tested the level of performance on the spot.

According to the rules, the conference will randomly select a patient for each team.

This is not an ordinary patient, but an accumulation of the Dongting Association over the years, there are hard-to-cure diseases, hidden diseases, strange diseases in the body!

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