Urban Strengthening System

Chapter 1493: Familiar cycle

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"Ding! To cure a disease free of disease, +1 medicine, poison identification ability +1, current progress: 99100, current level: mastery level."

The first time the youth on the bed opened their eyes, the limb muscles bulged high.


There was a long roar, and the solid iron ring bound to his hands and feet was actually directly cracked by him.

The light flashed in Ye Hong's eyes.

The strange power felt from those small wild people on Qingwu Mountain appeared again.

Say he is an ancient warrior, it seems to have less taste.

Say he is an ancient warrior, but his breathing operation makes Ye Honglue puzzled.

The breath of the ancient warrior comes from Dantian, and then passes through the veins to the body.

But the young man's breath seemed to come from another place on his body.

After the young man broke free of the iron ring, his big eyes looked at Yehong, who was closest to him.

"Ancient Doctor Robe..."

The young man muttered to himself, his eyes suddenly filled with murderousness.


Ye Hongmin acutely noticed that something was wrong and pushed Jiang Yu and others away.

"I will kill you!"

The young man gritted his teeth, like a tiger rushing to eat, a pair of big hands grabbed directly towards Yehong's neck.

Ji Er's body is not human enough, but the young man in front of him is taller than him.

If Ji Er is like a big brown bear, this guy is bear PLUS!

Such a big person pressed over like a mountain descending from the sky.

This change was beyond everyone's expectations, and everyone did not react at all.

Facing the fierce young man, Ye Hong greeted him without fear.

He just stretched out a palm, and then slap on the young man's head.

But it was such a lightly slap, but it seemed that with great strength, he shot the young man on the ground.


The solid concrete floor was smashed with a shallow human-shaped dent, showing how powerful this palm is.

The young man did not stop his hand, so he stood up as soon as he gritted his teeth.

But suddenly he felt a pain in his back, and a great force came, as if suppressed by Wuzhishan, and he could not stand up to him no matter how struggling.

"Let me see your depth..."

Ye Hong stepped on the young man's back, and entered the young man's body with his breath.

"Ding! Trigger mastery seeing ability, seeing through target..."

"Ding! After seeing through, the target type: Master Proficient.

The target is good at: the database has insufficient data and cannot be analyzed temporarily.

Fighting style: There is not enough data in the database to temporarily analyze it.

Threat level: low.

Target weakness: Slow action. "

Mysterious... what is it?

Ye Hong's pupils shrank suddenly and saw the meridian branch inside the youth.


Also found a set of independent blood circulation!

He found that the youth's breath came from this cycle.

But it was not this that Ye Hong cared about the most, and this blood circulation made him feel very familiar, clearly and...

The qi and blood circulation style found in Xiaogu Yexi last time is exactly the same!

Inevitably, what is the relationship between Yexi and Ono's people? !

Ye Honglue was in a trance, and his ears seemed to echo what Grandpa Ye Zhong Lu had said to him.

"A Hong, you promise grandpa one thing.

If one day you find something strange about your aunt, don’t forget that she will always be our family. "

Ye Hong suddenly felt a pain in his head, and suddenly found that his home did not seem as simple as it seemed.

Grandpa, aunt... Everyone seemed to be covered in mist.

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