Urban Strengthening System

Chapter 1506: You are not qualified

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All the members of the Seven Poisonisms have united as never before, countless poisonous insects, poisons, poison pills, poisonous bombs... don't throw money away at Yehong like a brain.

However, all these are useless.

No bit of toxin can stop Ye Hong's footsteps.

Instead, Ye Hong took the steps of ghosts, knocking them down to the ground one by one.

When only the middle-aged woman from all the members of the Seven Poisonists was standing, Ye Hong also came to her, looking down at her indifferently.


The woman knelt down to the ground without hesitation and dignity, and said abruptly: "Forgive, forgive...

The whereabouts of the eight members of the Seven Poisonous Drugs will no longer be traced to us, and since then the Seven Poisonous Drugs will not send anyone to target you! "

"Are you talking about conditions with me or are you threatening me?"

Ye Hong lowered his head and said lightly: "Whether it is the former or the latter, you... are not qualified."


Ye Hong didn't even say a nonsense to her, but kicked her on the stomach.

His horror feet suddenly exploded, kicking the middle-aged woman directly into the distance with one foot and hitting the boulder of Taniguchi.

The woman only felt severe pain in her body, as if her body was torn apart.

How she could bear the pain, she fell unconsciously under the boulder.

There is no trace of fighting power on the side of the Seven Drugs.

The Kyoto side on the other side has been dumbfounded.

From the shock of the members of the Seven Poisons, to the one that was left to be counterattacked by Yehong, the process seemed complicated, but in fact it was only a few winks.

Many people on the Kyoto side have not put down their hands to cheer on the Seven Poisons. Turning around, the people who have been cheered have already been wiped out by their poisoned milk.

Seeing Ye Hong's cold eyes, a group of people was immediately scared to take a few steps back subconsciously.

The corners of the four King Kong's mouths smoked, and Sei Lie said: "Don't, don't be afraid!

The group of seven poisonous fellows blew their poison on the mouth, and the result was all silver-like pewter heads.

You guys are elite hired by big money, it is impossible to be afraid of this kid, right? "

The words of the four kings seemed to give them some confidence.

Yeah, Yehong is just not poisonous, but what about the level of ancient martial arts?

According to the information of the four King Kongs, Ye Hong is just an ordinary ancient warrior.

And the night front squad that taught the four King Kong last time is not beside Ye Hong now, so what are they afraid of?

A group of people immediately shouted to give themselves confidence, and launched a fierce attack towards Yehong.

Strong fists, sharp legs, whistling palm wind...

A large group of ancient gas warriors launched a shock at the same time, the scattered breath, and the grass and the grass rolled wildly.


The Four King Kongs miscalculated one thing.

When they met Ye Hong last time, he was indeed an ancient warrior.

But in just over a few months, they didn't know that Ye Hong had undergone a drastic change!

Yehong is already an ancient warrior.

Gu Dao Wu and Qi Qi Wu, the difference is not just a word, but a whole distance between the sky and the earth.

"Bang!" "Bang!" "Bang!"

The sound of punching into the meat kept ringing, but these sounds were not the sound they hit Yehong, but the sound of being beaten by Yehong.

"Ding! Using Shushan Kendo, martial arts ability +1!"

Shushan Kendo doesn't have to use a sword.

In other words, Yehong is a flying sword at this moment!

What he passed through the body seemed to have been hit by a tornado.

All the ancient warriors who rushed up fell one by one like the harvested wheat.

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