Urban Strengthening System

Chapter 1515: Strength positioning

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Hao's hood was lifted by the strong wind, revealing an old face.

But this great opportunity, Wu Chi stopped his hand in a dull face.

"Female, female?!"

That's right, although the face of Thorn is old, it can vaguely see a trace of youthful beauty under the wrinkles.

If she regressed forty years old, she would be a peerless beauty.

"Go to hell!"

Fang was seen with a face, and angrily pierced the three-sided thorn toward Wu Chi's heart.

But Wu Chi did not stun the **** for too long, and shouted: "Even a woman will capture you for that kid!"

His fists slammed suddenly, with a piercing roar.

If the heavenly gate is wide open, there is an unprecedented spirit of war!


The triangular thorn was cracked by Wuci's violent double fists, and the punch was a little bit hard, so he hit the thorn in the chest.


The blood mist spewing out of Hao's mouth suddenly blocked Wu Chi's sight.

"This blood... is poisonous!"

Worthy of being a top-level killer, he was ruthless and even had poisonous weapons in his blood.

Wu Chi's pupils startled, and suddenly jumped back, avoiding the **** surprise attack.

When he stood still, he found that the thorn jumped down the mountain in one fell swoop.

Wu Chi looked down from the top of the mountain and saw a shadow jumping back and forth between the mountain walls, and soon disappeared into the night.

"Damn it! Still she ran away!"

Wu Chi shot the ground angrily and directly made a big hole.

What he is good at is strength, not as flexible as thorns.

"How should I explain to the kid this time, I blame the previous cowhide blowing..."

Wu Chi scratched his head anxiously, his face depressed.


Wei Qianling was sent away, and Ye Hong returned to the inn in Xiannong Town.

The fire in the Barren Grass Valley seems to have only caused a brief disturbance in the town.

Hearing that the fire was extinguished, the awakened people also went to sleep one after another, and no one noticed Ye Hong's return.

Overnight, Ye Hong was full of spirit.

Tonight he used the Dragon and Tiger Dao for the first time, and the effect was spectacular.

Of course, there are also reasons for the terrain bonus.

By playing against Wu Chi and Hao Ting, Ye Hong has a clearer positioning of his own strength.

The ancient warriors also have strengths and weaknesses.

Like Qingmei and Sima Zhengming, Ye Hong vaguely felt that they were not their opponents.

But Wu Chi and Hao Ting, but Ye Hong was able to defeat them head-on.

Of course, the martial arts who regained consciousness may have a certain improvement in combat power.

Ye Hong silently recalled the battle tonight. Scenes like scenes flashed through his head quickly.

"Ding! Trigger proficient level scene memory ability, trigger entry-level ancient Dao Wu analysis ability, combined with scene analysis in ancient Dao martial arts..."

Ye Hong with his eyes closed, his hands and feet are swinging from left to right.

If Wu Chi is here, he will surely start to stare out his eyes.

Because of Ye Hong's actions, these are his moves.

Ye Hong, imitating Wu Chi!

The real purpose of Yehong is to explore the ancient martial arts of the two from outside to inside by imitating the moves of Wu Chi and Hao Ting.

"Ding! Gu Daowu has insufficient proficiency in comprehension ability and insufficient proficiency in copying ability, and is temporarily unable to copy!"

Ye Hong paused, slowly opened his eyes, and spit out a cloud of gas.

It seems to be too reluctant.

But he was not discouraged at all.

As long as he is allowed to observe the martial arts and thorns a few times, he is sure to enlighten them in one fell swoop!

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