Urban Strengthening System

Chapter 1525: Enough

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The experiment machine kept flashing, and finally a random question was extracted for Ye Hong.

Topic requirements: Find out all the diseases in the patient and cure them.

With the appearance of the problem, the state of the silicone dummy has also undergone various changes.

These changes are deep and shallow, large and small.

Ye Hong's task is to use these changes in body surface to determine what the other party is suffering from based on his own medical skills, and to provide solutions.

Of course, the venue will provide any medical equipment that Yehong needs.

For example, needle knife, slab, medicine pot, etc.

Ye Hong was no nonsense, silently sat down next to the silicone dummy, and put his hands up.

I have to say that this silicone dummy is quite subtle.

Ye Hong's breath enters his family's body, which is actually just like the feeling of a real person.

"Ding! Trigger the guru-level medical skills and analyze the target condition...

After the analysis, the target major diseases are [malaria], [wind syndrome], [pulmonary poison], [myocardial infarction], and [calculus].

There are three kinds of minor diseases: [cold syndrome], [blood weakness], and [qi deficiency].

The hidden illness is [latent toxic poison]. "

Ye Hong's mouth twitched, and it was a dummy. In reality, if there are so many sicknesses, he will die.

However, this is the difficulty of the certification of a super paleo physician!

As a super-class ancient doctor, it is not only enough to be good at a certain area or a certain field.

A true super-class ancient physician needs accurate eyesight and general knowledge of illnesses before he can cure them.

Otherwise, how come there are so few super-class ancient doctors.

At the end of the screen, several super-class ancient doctors seemed to see themselves when they were certified, and they all smiled.

Ye Hong's mentality has surprised them. You should know that many people scolded the mother on the spot during this round.

They knew that Yehong would have to watch it for a while, and they were comfortable preparing to make tea in a pot.

But before they got up, Ye Hong suddenly opened his eyes.

"I want a golden needle."

Ye Hong raised his head and shouted at the wall.

Five top-ranking ancient doctors were stunned, dumbfounded: "Have you finished reading?"

Yehong nodded.

"Are all the symptoms seen?"

Yehong nodded again.

"In this case, as long as the golden needle is enough?"

Even Xiao Jing, who had the most confidence in Ye Hong, was unbelievable.

"Sure enough." Ye Hong replied lightly.

Soon Jin Jin was sent to Yehong.

Yehong didn't hesitate at all, so he sprinkled the gold needle on the silicone dummy while lifting his hand.

Five top-ranking ancient doctors looked at each other, eyes staring at Ye Hong's operation for an instant.

"This, is this acupuncture a long-lost ancient acupuncture [Twelve Gold Needles]?"

"Wait! It seems that there is the ancient Qi therapy of the Jiang family. What is the relationship between Jiang Guchan and him?"

"No, there are even Naran doctors from the Naran family in Kyoto!"

"My God, what else will this kid do?"

Ye Hong's eyes were slightly closed, but his hands were swift like a gust of wind. He moved back and forth on the silicone dummy, and soon became a debut phantom.

At the same time, a wonderful breath enters the silicone dummy body, in coordination with the formation of the fingering, one by one to reconcile the breath inside the dummy.

If you are upset, then most of the illness will be fine.

For the remaining minor illnesses and illnesses, Ye Hong is even more concerned.

"This son is really talented, and even combined acupuncture, qi and **** to create a set of ancient medical techniques unique to him."

Even the most demanding Han Lao could not help but sigh with praise at this moment.

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