Urban Strengthening System

Chapter 1532: traitor

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Regardless of renting a car, a few people went all the way to the west and galloped.

But the speed of several people is obviously different.

Among them, Ye Hong is undoubtedly the fastest.

Toe lighter, often spans a few meters.

The strange forward progress made A Shui and Kuang Yu stunned.

They think they have given up the strength to feed, but still can not catch up with Yehong.

And Ono and Chu Jiaotong were obviously the two of them dragging their legs, running behind in a pant, the distance from the three people in front was getting farther and farther.

Later, Ye Hong couldn't stand it anymore, and picked them up one by one.

Although holding two people, but his speed has not been affected by this, but runs faster and faster.

When Ye Hong lowered Ono and Chu Jiaotong at the foot of Qingwu Mountain, they didn't know if it was too tiring. Both of their small faces were red.

The duo's eyes moved for a while, and they dared not stare at Ye Hong.

After waiting for a few more minutes, Kuang Yu and A Shui arrived with breathless breath.

They looked at Yehong like monsters, and A Shui even said with admiration: "Seeing your horror speed makes me think our village is really saved!"

Ye Hong ignored all the different attitudes of the people and told them: "Wait all behind me later and listen to my orders."

Several people suddenly became serious and nodded desperately.

Ye Hong took a deep breath, his eyes condensed into a light, and led the crowd into the mountain while carefully observing the surroundings.

At the same time, in Yunmeng Village.

Every house and every house was silent.

Because all the villagers were caught in the village square.

Regardless of age or sex, men and women, all tied together with strong ropes and tied to the pillars.

A group of about 30 people, strong men in black tights, watched the villagers intently.

And these strong men are far from ordinary people, and all are as strong and powerful as cattle.

If you have to compare it, it is almost the same as those of Ono on Qingwu Mountain.

But there are exceptions.

In front of this group of strong men stood a man and a woman.

The woman's appearance is extraordinary, dressed in a simple black dress, but she can't cover the charming charm of her gorgeous beings.

Slender jade fingers gently played with a strand of long hair hanging down to the forehead, with impatient eyes.

If Ye Hong was here at this time, she would immediately recognize this female identity.

That was the fifth Qinglan that escaped from Yehong several times.

The little fat boy beside Fifth Qinglan is of course Chu Xiaojie.

At this time, the villagers of Yunmeng Village who were **** did not feel afraid, but screamed openly.

Among them, the most fierce curse was directed against Chu Xiaojie.

"Chu Xiaojie, you traitor!"

"Chu Xiaojie, Yunmeng Village gave birth to you to support you to study medicine. Is this how you repay the village?"

"Chu Xiaojie, you lead people into the village, leaking the village's defense secrets, and vain for me Yunmeng village, I yuck!"

Chu Xiaojie looked indifferent, let the villagers scold.

Others scolded him for being able to endure, but when a middle-aged woman also scolded him angrily, his face finally appeared strange.

"Mom, don't blame your son.

The son finally paid the respect to Vice President Guan as the teacher, but the teacher was caught in an accident. "

Chu Xiaojie didn’t dare to face his mother’s eyes and gritted his teeth and bowed his head: “They can help rescue the teacher, so...”

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