Urban Strengthening System

Chapter 1535: Girl you are late

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Fifth Qinglan closed his eyes, it took a long time to face the opposite Ono, no, Fifth Qingmu shouted: "Fifth Qingmu, I have sent someone up the mountain!

Those people are your loyal guards, if you don't want them to have something, just give me that thing! "

Ono's face was white, and he looked worriedly towards the top of the mountain.

But at this moment, a huge thing rolled down the mountain road.

I saw that it was a strong man also dressed in black, but rolled off the mountain like a ball, his nose and face swelled and screamed on the ground.

At the moment when he saw the strong man, Fifth Qinglan and the people behind him all looked different.

"What happened on the mountain?!"

Fifth Qinglan asked flustered.

This person is one of the people she sent to the top of the mountain.

"There are mountains, there are..."

The man's frightened words did not fall, and there were several black men in a row on the mountain road.

Everyone seemed to be kicked down the mountain by a huge external force, and their noses and faces were swollen.

An old man as strong as a bear, like the Taishan Mountains, jumped down from the mountain road and hit a huge deep hole in the square with his feet when he landed.

"Crazy old man!"

Ono looked excitedly at the suddenly appearing muscular old man.

And Fifth Qinglan looked at him horrifiedly: "Gu Dao Wuqiang Wuchi?! Why do you want to help Fifth Qingmu?"

She knew at this point that the people she sent up the mountain would have all ruined Wu Chi's poisonous hands.

"Hey." Wu Chi touched his nose and smiled: "It just happened to owe the little girl some favor, and I paid it back."

With the advent of Wuchi, many strong figures came running on the mountain road, guarding Ono.

They are all Ono's people.

Ye Hong alone had no choice but to make Fifth Qinglan helpless, not to mention the emergence of the powerhouse of Wu Chi.

In an instant, the fifth Qinglan felt despair.

But she still didn't want to give up this great opportunity today.

I saw Fifth Qinglan shouted to Wu Chi: "Senior Wu Chi, your relationship is also over. How about let's talk about pen and sale?"

You help me deal with the one named Ye Hong, and the remuneration starts with you.

The younger generation heard that you like to collect martial arts, and it happens that there are many ancient martial arts lost in the younger generation's hands. "

Wu Chi's eyes lit up first, and then he pouted: "Girl, it's a pity that you are late. Lao Zi is now the guard of Ye Hong.

Have you heard of guards dealing with their masters? "

"Guard, guard?!"

Fifth Qinglan was almost shocked and bit his tongue, looking at Yehong in shock.

What terrible means did Ye Hong actually make an ancient martial arts strongman willingly serve as his guard? !

A hint of hope in her heart turned into fly ash with Wu Chi's words.

Fifth Qinglan was discovered. As long as Ye Hong was anywhere, all her things could not be done.

If there are really destined nemesis, then Yehong is her fifth, Qinglan, the biggest and biggest nemesis!

"Offense! Cover the retreat!"

A strong man beside Fifth Qinglan suddenly roared, and led a group of people into the Honghong with fearlessness.

At the same time, a small group of people were pulling the fifth Qinglan to evacuate in the other direction.

"Mantis is a car."

Ye Hong's eyes narrowed slightly and waved with his hand. Shushan's swordsman made his heart, attracting a gust of wind.

The strong men in black were turned upside down by this violent wind, and the formation was chaotic.

The next thing is much simpler. With Yehong foreshadowing, Ono's clan easily put down those strong men one by one.

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