Urban Strengthening System

Chapter 1549: Sorry i like to work hard

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"Your purpose is these little guys?

That being the case, I caught them, but you must not be obedient! "

He Dafu's more than three hundred kilograms of meatballs seemed to be bulky, but the speed of running was astonishing.

"Haha, the ancient Qi Wugong I practiced is the best at speed!

In the past, many people have been cheated by my size.

You are absolutely too late to stop me! "

He Dafu looked proudly at the mad feather at the door, his body getting closer and closer to the ten young children.

No matter how crazy Yu Yu was, he shook his head and showed sympathy in his eyes.

"I'm afraid this guy doesn't know who is in front of him yet..."

He Dafu hadn't figured out why Kuang Yu showed sympathy, and found his body could not run.

He raised his head in amazement, and found a slender index finger against his brain door.

He Dafu remembered that the young man who extended his finger came in with Kuang Yu.

But before all of He Dafu's attention was on Kuang Yu, he thought this boy was Kuang Yu's follower.

However, this is the simple index finger, but it is difficult for He Dafu to push forward.

Suddenly, He Dafu felt that it was not a finger but a mountain!

A mountain he can only look up to in his life!

"Dare, dare to ask Your Excellency?"

The dense cold sweat was like a river, flowing from He Dafu's brain door.

Sweat oozed into He Dafu's mouth along his cheeks, but he couldn't even have the courage to raise his hand to wipe it.

"I heard you like to get something for nothing?"

Ye Hong smiled and asked He Dafu in front of him.

He Dafu was about to speak, but he was shocked to find that his index finger touched the forehead slightly.

Yehong pressed his index finger to his thumb, and then released his index finger.

"Ding! Trigger Mastery Finger Strength, Trigger Master Arm Strength, Trigger Master Arm Strength Effect [Weightlifting if Light]."

It flicked lightly, but it seemed to bring great strength.


He Dafu screamed, the entire fat body was actually flicked by Ye Hong's finger.


After He Dafu's body hit the wall, he didn't stop immediately. Instead, he broke the wall and continued to fly under the impetus of his body.


After breaking through the walls of the three rooms one after another, it barely stopped.

The entire underground base shook a few times because of this shock.

And He Dafu had fallen to the ground like a dead pig.

All the blankets on his body shook open, revealing bruises and fat.

His eyes closed, but he was knocked out and fainted.

"Sorry, I prefer to work harder than to earn nothing."

At this time, Ye Hong's words had just landed.

But He Dafu could not hear it.

The rabbit's falter-like changes made the team of Tianqi camp completely unresponsive.

It wasn't until they saw the miserable state of their boss and a face with a mad smile that they were all terrified and trembling, and they were almost unsteady after two battles.

"Throw away your weapon and squat your head!"

Kuang Yu shouted loudly, and all the Tianqiying people obeyed it obediently, throwing away the weapons in his hands at an extremely fast speed and squatting on the ground with his head held.

I'm afraid it will be as miserable as my boss if I take a step late.

I don't know when, a large group of beggars gathered in the passage.

They looked at He Dafu's miserable situation and spit a few saliva next to him.

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