Urban Strengthening System

Chapter 1552: Four must

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Ono pondered for a moment, his small face wrinkled tangledly.

Somewhat uncertain: "It's strange, it's a specious feeling.

Mad feather, what do you think? "

Kuang Yu was also full of doubts and said, "I can't feel the breath of Clan Guard from her, but for some reason, I always see her panicking.

Seeing the ghost, I was afraid of a little girl with no power. "

Ye Hong didn't expect such an answer.

What the two said is equivalent to saying nothing, and there is still no way to determine the origin of Yexi.

But Ye Hong is not entangled in this.

Waving his hand, let Yexi return to the kitchen.

As Grandpa Ye Zhonglu said, no matter what identity Yexi is, it is their family.

Thinking of Ye Zhonglu, Ye Hong sighed helplessly again.

This old man can really play, watching the photos and videos he occasionally sent back, either in mountain climbing or in the sea.

Tonight I sent back a picture of eating roasted mushrooms in the forest full of oil.

And leave a message to Xianghong to indemnify him, saying that there is no way to rush back to celebrate his birthday.

Ye Hong couldn't get the old man anymore, but could only put some money into his account.

At this time, in a piece of primitive jungle in the middle of southern Xinjiang.

Every tree here is between one and twenty meters high, and the dense foliage leaves the moonlight from penetrating into the forest.

There are so few people here that you can only occasionally hear the hiss of some beasts.

However, somewhere in the jungle, there was a campfire burning.

By the campfire, an old man with five official names was eating and grilling mushrooms while scolding.

"Grandma's, this southern Xinjiang is really in crisis, and roasting a mushroom is almost dead.

Fortunately, I was also one of the [four must-have] who touched the [Linglong Heart Pot], otherwise..."

Ye Zhong took a bite of roasted mushrooms fiercely, and served a sip of wine.

Then he sighed silently, took another glass of wine, and spilled it on the ground.

"Another year... Are you three old guys living well underground?"

"Lao Pu, your little granddaughter is now following my grandson to eat fragrant and spicy, you can rest assured."

"Lao Qi, I heard that your daughter is very tough, and the wine is worse than you were!"

"Lao Huai... miserable or miserable, you didn't get married until you died, what a stubborn person..."

Thick hatred flashed through Ye Zhonglu's eyes, and he gritted his teeth: "The Fifth Family insulted you at that time, only hated me for being powerless, and I couldn't immediately avenge you!

But as long as I get those five things, there must be a chance..."

Ye Zhonglu sighed again, got up and tore the remaining mushrooms to pieces, and sprinkled them around the tent.

Immediately, a hiccup burps and you enter the tent.

It didn't take long for an even grunt to come from inside.

After Lu Zhong fell asleep at night, a rustling voice came from near the jungle.

Two leopard-like animals sniffed the pieces of mushrooms on the ground that smelled of aftertaste, and bite them greedily.

In less than three seconds, the two leopards collapsed stiffly into the ground.

The position of their hearts bulged high, as if they were forcibly propped up by giant force.

All the abnormal sounds around disappeared.

Between the heavens and the earth, there was only the sloppy grunt of night bell Lu.


The Provincial Palace Top Secret File 0033: No one has remembered the appearance of [Heartless] so far. All the people who have eaten other dishes have confessed that-in front of [Heartless], your heart does not belong to you at all.

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