Urban Strengthening System

Chapter 1560: Disabled girl Nan Lin

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The principal of Jiang University is named Wei Hongshu.

Wei Hongshu, who was born in Shumendi, is not only erudite, but also has rich overseas study experience.

At the same time he is good at multi-language, he is also proficient in qinqi, calligraphy and painting, and has the nickname of "Jiangda's first old talent".

This humorous old scholar can be seen in many local TV programs in Egret City.

Therefore, Ye Hong is not strange to this person, but just never met.

According to the guidance of the security guard, Ye Hong walked for a long time, almost spanning more than half of the campus, and only then saw the shadow of the administrative building.

Too late to appreciate the artistic decoration style, Ye Hong took the elevator straight up to the seventh floor.

As soon as he left the elevator, Ye Hong saw that the corridor was already full of people.

At a glance, there are also twenty or thirty people.

Yes, it is estimated that they all came to Wei Hongshu for work.

Ye Hong shook his head and could only line up with him.

God knows how long he hasn't been in the queue.

In front of Yehong are a pair of strange men and women.

A man with a square face in his forties, but with gray hair on his head.

In his eyes, there is even a sad look from time to time.

Next to him was a pretty girl.

The girl is not very young, it is estimated to be similar to Ye Hong.

The melon seeds without powder are fair and flawless, their eyes are clean and clear, and the light of wisdom flashes from time to time.

She was wearing a simple white T-shirt and white-washed jeans, and her figure was so distressing.

Somehow, the girl always leaned against the wall.

Ye Hong glanced at the girl’s unnatural left ankle, and his eyes flashed.

"Ding! Trigger the guru-level medical technique to detect the target's left calf with a natural disability and inconvenience."

Or how to say that heaven is cruel.

Such a beautiful young girl, God did not give her a pair of complete feet.

The middle-aged man should be the girl’s father, and now he can’t help sighing: “Nan Lin, this is the eleventh university we are looking for, but the father still doesn’t feel like accepting you, after all, your feet... ..."

"Father, don't worry."

The girl Nan Lin showed a smile that read her life: "Even if you can't go to university, Nan Lin can still learn by herself.

This world is so big, there must be a job suitable for Nan Lin.

By then Nan Lin can stop worrying about his father. "

The girl’s smile made his father more guilty.

He wiped tears from the corners of his eyes and said sadly: "It's useless to blame your father, you can't cure your feet.

Now I want you to comfort me...

You have been smart and kind-hearted since childhood, and all the things in your poor life have been delayed by this foot! "

The girl glanced at her left foot and smiled indifferently: "I believe this is the experience God has given me.

After the storm, there must be a rainbow.

Father, this is what you taught me since childhood. "

My father couldn't speak anymore, a big old man covered his mouth, fearing he would cry out loud.

Ye Hong shook his head, and suddenly came to the girl, asked lightly: "Are you interested in archaeology?"

The girl actually saw Ye Hong behind her, but she hadn't paid much attention to him before.

Now when I saw Ye Hong came up and asked an inexplicable question, I was even puzzled.

Her father seemed to be more alert and guarded in front of the girl, staring at Ye Hong and said: "What do you guys want to do to my daughter?!"

Ye Hong was not annoyed and continued to ask: "Are you interested in archaeology?"

The girl stared blankly at Ye Hong's deep eyes, and the ghost messenger jumped out of her lips.


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