Urban Strengthening System

Chapter 1564: You should be Mr. Xie Ye

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"Besides that, my laboratory may need some students to help."

Hearing Ye Hong's words, Wei Hongshu said: "This matter is even simpler. You can just pay for it in the name of the community.

Presumably, I have no shortage of students interested in this area. "

Na Zhi Ye Hong shook his head and said, "No, the person I want is not a student of Jiang University."

"Who is that?" Wei Hongshu couldn't help wondering.

Ye Hong told the story of the disabled girl Nan Lin outside the door and Wei Hongshu.

"Well, you're a clever little devil, I've turned her around and let me accept her?"

Wei Hongshu laughed and scolded.

Ye Hong smiled, did not speak.

"You can rest assured that the purpose of running our university is to be virtuous.

For such a strong student, does Jiang Da have the reason to refuse it?

I will let Secretary Zhang do it. "

Wei Hongshu called Secretary Zhang, and ordered another meal.

After everything was done, Ye Hong got up and said goodbye, preparing to report formally tomorrow.

Although Wei Hongshu still wanted to chat with Yehong for a while, after Secretary Zhang reminded that there were other schedules, he had no choice but to send Yehong out.

The people at the door watched Wei Hongshu actually send Ye Hong out of the door, and they were so surprised that their eyes fell off.

Ye Hong was even more shocked, and quickly gave him a way out of the corridor.

In the crowd, the father and daughter were staring at Yehong with invisible hope in their eyes.

Yehong took a step, nodded at the father and daughter, then stepped into the elevator, and left in the eyes of a person.

Although it was a simple nod, it made the father and daughter look excited.

As expected, Secretary Zhang approached them soon after.

"Yin Nanlin, right?"

Secretary Zhang smiled and said to the girl: "Go back and prepare, and report to the Department of Archaeology tomorrow."

The father and daughter froze for a moment, then cried with excitement.

They rushed between schools and tried their best to find a university willing to accept Yin Nanlin.

Now this wish has finally been fulfilled!

And I entered Jiangnan University, the best institution in Jiangnan Province!

"Thank you Secretary Zhang, and President Wei!"

The father kept crying, holding Secretary Zhang's hand and thanking him.

"Haha, thank you Mr. Ye Hong."

Secretary Zhang laughed: "This matter was raised by him and Principal Wei."

"Who is Yehong?"

The father and daughter were a little stunned.

"Huh? Didn't you see him come out just now?"

The eyes of the father and the daughter startled and suddenly knew who Secretary Zhang was talking about.

They remembered this. Secretary Zhang said that Yin Nanlin would go to the Department of Archaeology to report tomorrow, which completely coincided with the content of Ye Hong's previous question!

"But, how can we find him to thank him in person?"

Father was dumbfounded and wanted to find Secretary Zhang for Ye Hong's contact information.

"No need, maybe you will meet soon."

Secretary Zhang showed a mysterious smile and turned to leave.

Yin Nanlin chewed this sentence silently, thinking of Ye Hong's age, a flash of light flashed in his eyes.

Not to mention how pleased with the father and daughter, Ye Hong has returned home at this time.

He has to sort out some things he needs to bring in the report tomorrow.

Since you want to experience college life, then simply experience it to the end.

Although Ye Hong already had this property in Tianheyuan, he planned to live in Jiangda’s dormitory and experience the college dormitory life that he had seen in the novel and had longed for.

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