Urban Strengthening System

Chapter 1574: Weird trio

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Seeing the arrival of the boys in the class, thirty curious eyes mixed with Yehong swept back and forth over them.

Because the first time I met, it was relatively new, and no girls came to talk.

But Ye Hong knew that this kind of rustiness was only temporary and would soon be broken.

"Which one do you think is more handsome?"

"The one called Xiao Cao, I heard that it is from Kyoto."

"Rekza is good and looks strong."

"Hee hee, the one named Ye Yun is my dish, don't you rob me!"

"Coincidentally, I also like him!"

"Huh? Me too."

"Why? Are you all looking at Ye Yun?"

The girls bit their ears and whispered.

They thought that their voice was small, but they did not expect that Ye Hong, who was proficient in hearing, had completely listened to it.

Ye Hong smiled helplessly.

Even if he turned off his charm ability, with the enhanced face value, he could not stop these passionate female students from coveting him.

No way, maybe this is the trouble of the big guy.

"Come and come, get military training equipment."

Sun Bai greeted several boys and took over the things he needed for the military training and distributed them to everyone.

The full set of equipment includes camouflage clothes, hats, belts, footwear... and a point registration card.

According to instructor Sun Bai, this military training is different from the past and adopts a point system.

Performed well during military training, the higher the points.

On the contrary, if the points are not enough, it is likely to be punished.

The girls who were so charming, when they heard of such a system, were so frightened that their faces were bitter.

At this time, Guo Huang was curious and asked Sun Bai: "Counselor, what about our roommate?"

"Huh? Haven't you come yet?"

Sun Bai also puzzled and said: "He told me that he will come in the afternoon."

Suddenly, there was a commotion in the distant playground, mixed with the screams of many girls.

It is not only their archaeology department but also the Jiang University students of other colleges who came to receive the equipment today.

And what can cause such a large-scale commotion, what is the big star?

Everyone looked at it curiously, but found three figures walking slowly over the playground.

Walking in the middle is a tall, handsome boy.

His facial features are soft and delicate, with a white face, just like the characters in the painting.

Such handsome characters are even more creamy than the creamy ones on TV.

For the boys, it is the one who is the best.

But for those girls, this person is a dream lover little dog, so handsome that they almost fainted on the spot.

The turmoil and screaming of Fang Cai was caused by this.

And this person's dress is also very strange.

A long hair bundled in the quaint scribe crown, a white shirt on his body, and black long shoes on his feet.

Beyond the white shirt, it was strangely covered with a down coat.

You know, although it is the end of August, Egret is still very hot in summer.

In this kind of weather, this person is wearing a down coat, but does not sweat a lot, it is really strange.

Behind him, followed by two girls dressed in the same costumes.

Although the two of them were not as exaggerated as the boy dressed, they each held a brazier, which was quite eye-popping.

This weird combination, ignoring the gaze on the playground, came straight towards the location of the Department of Archaeology.

"Humph! This guy is finally here."

Xiao Cao smiled coldly.

Ye Hong's heart moved, could it be him?

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