Urban Strengthening System

Chapter 1577: Prehistoric Civilization Research Office

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After Tang Mingxi left, the girls in the class came around in an instant.

Several people in Guo Huang immediately sorted out their hair with excitement and nervousness.

"Everyone is not so reserved."

"Hey, can it be that today is Guo Huang's single day?"

But what broke their hearts was that after the girls came over, they asked Twitter about Tang Mingxi's situation.

"Isn't Tang Mingxi your roommate? Is there a phone number for him? It's OK to buckle the number!"

"Hello, do you know what constellation Tang Mingxi is?"

And so on, let Guo Huang and others instantly fall from heaven to hell.

Ye Hong smiled secretly at the side, if the heart said that if these girls found out that the object they were obsessed with was a woman, I didn't know how interesting it should be.

After receiving the equipment, Sun Bai issued a few words that did not hurt or itch, and let everyone disband and rest.

He urged everyone to raise their energy and prepare for the next seven days of military training.

That night, Ye Hong refused the roommate's invitation to open, and left Ming Ye Lou alone.

He went all the way to the south and came to the Student Activity Center of Jiang University.

This is a domed building in front of a small square.

Except for the huge auditorium on the first floor, the remaining floors are all laboratories or meeting rooms.

These places are the venues provided to various student organizations and clubs of Jiang University.

The prehistoric civilization research laboratory established by Yehong is also here.

All the way to the third floor, at the end of the corridor, Yehong finally saw a bright silver iron sign in front of a certain room.

A few words in the book [Prehistoric Civilization Research Office].

It's quite stylish.

Yehong touched his chin and looked at the sign with satisfaction.

At the door of the room stood a tall girl.

Although her appearance is not so attractive, she has a pair of long legs that make many girls ashamed.

The girl frowned and looked at Yehong in front of the door, impatiently saying, "Don't come here to stroll around while playing."

Ye Hong froze for a moment, then looked down at his chest, suddenly suddenly.

Today there are many things, but I forgot to take down the freshman logo posted on the chest report, no wonder it will be recognized at a glance.

Ye Hong was not annoyed, and said with a smile: "This school sister, I am here to find Yue Shiyin."

"Looking for poetry?!"

The girl jokingly said, "Is it another elementary school brother who wants to chase our poetry?"

Then his face changed and said coldly: "I warn you guys, don't bother us with poetry!"

He said, but turned around and shouted into the room: "Poetry sound, the one you said hired our gold master? Why haven't you come yet."

"Strange, he told me."

Ye Hong's familiar voice came from the room, and he saw Yue Shiyin's figure appearing at the door.

"Nuo, isn't it?"

She pointed at Ye Hongdao.

The tall girl froze for three seconds, and then a huge scream broke out.

"Yue Shiyin, why didn't you say it early!"

Then he bowed to Yehong non-stop, crying without tears: "Big boss, I don't know it's you, I'm sorry!"

Ye Hong smiled and didn't care about it. Instead, she thought the school sister was cute.

"No big boss, weird.

Later, just call me Ayun in school. "

Yehong waved his hand.

"How about that?!"

The tall girl shook her head again and again: "If you don't have a big boss, you generously donate money, pay us to hire us to participate in research, I Zhou Qianqian will starve to death in Jiang Dali!"

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