Urban Strengthening System

Chapter 1582: The last billion

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"I didn't expect the dish to be opposite."

Ye Hong shrugged and smiled bitterly.

This sentence made the other four cheeks twitch.

"Lao Wu, I always think you are talking about our dishes, but there is no evidence."

"No, the old five just had good luck, let's do it again!"

After one round, the unbelievers decided to open another round.

No matter what position and heroes Ye Hong chooses, he can always play amazing operations.

One night, everyone led by Ye Hong was inexplicably winning five games in a row.

At this time, everyone finally convinced of Ye Hong's game ability.

"I have a bold idea."

Guo Huang's sudden words suddenly attracted everyone's attention.

"I heard that Jiangda's game club holds an orphan league team hegemony every year, and the prize money is huge.

Five of us can just form a team, how about going to participate once?

I think it should not be a problem to bring us the bonus with the strength of the fifth! "

Guo Huang's words brightened the eyes of several others.

Even Xiao Cao, who is from a wealthy family, was excited.

His goal is not those bonuses, but to show his face in front of many cute school sisters and girls!

"Not interested in."

Ye Hong refused decisively.

It’s good to play games like this once in a while, but don’t get over it.

Secondly, after all, he concealed his identity, but he didn't want to do too much humiliation.

"Cut, disappoint!"

Guo Huang scorned Yehong with a **** and said, "Then you have to play with us again!"

Ye Hong looked at the time and found that it was almost midnight, and immediately said to them: "The last one, don't forget that we have to get up early for military training tomorrow."

"Okay! Last billion!"

Back to Ye Hong's people, they all smiled cheaply.

The five black teams entered the queue.

At the same time, there is a corner in the southwest of Jiangda Campus.

Weiyun Tower is also known as the Monk Tower.

This is the dormitory where the famous computer school boys are located.

Within a few hundred meters, there was no female creature except the aunt in charge of the building.

Computer nerds who are wailing all day long who want a girlfriend but are unwilling to take a half step out of the dormitory, will put their nowhere effort into the game world every night.

At the 404 on the fourth floor, there are six ordinary junior boys from the computer school.

No, not everyone is ordinary.

For example, a chubby boy who is currently being watched by five other people in the dormitory.

This man has a popular face, but has a pair of extremely slender hands.

The person whose hands are 404 is called [Hand of Xingtian].

"Old Jane, how many kills are you going to hack?"

Behind the chubby boy, the five roommates watching them looked at the computer screen in front of the boy with interest.

The chubby boy touched the mechanical keyboard on the desk and said lightly: "I'm going to sleep now, just grab a dozen kills and play."


The screen flashes and the match is successful.

Jianhao yawned, and casually chose a hero named [Happy Swordsman].

Because the names are similar, Jian Hao likes this hero very much.

At the same time, he also quite enjoys the thrill of using this hero to play wild and catch people, and control the overall situation.

"I rely on, Happy Jianhao, Jianhao's natal hero!"

"Jian Hao used him to kill 35 people last time!"

"Hey, I started to mourn for the five people who matched to Jane Hao."

"After this round, I don't know how many people should delete the game."

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