Urban Strengthening System

Chapter 1586: I am autistic

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The five people in the purple square silently looked at the black and white screen, and there was only one idea in his mind: Is he really just an assistant...

"Don't panic, there is still a chance!"

Jane Hao gritted his teeth, Qiang Yan laughed.

But at this time, Jianhao jumped out of a surrender box at the bottom right of the screen.

There are five lights in the frame.

A green light means agreeing to surrender, and a red light means refusing to surrender.

One, two, three...

Jianhao stared blankly at the four dazzling green lights, which represented four teammates whose mentality had been completely defeated.

In the orphan league, more than four of the five-member team choose to surrender, and they will surrender.

In other words, even if Jane Hao refused to use it.


With a roar, the Purple Square base exploded into fragments due to surrender.

The game ends and the blue party wins.

The roommates of 404 stared at Jianhao's conspicuous failure sign on the screen, wondering how to comfort him.

They saw with their own eyes how Jianhao was calculated, teased, and despised in this round...

Finally, how to fail step by step.

The most outrageous thing is that it is not a top player or a professional player who does these things to Jianhao, but a group of rookies with an average level of less than ten!

This is a very heavy blow for a player who is about to enter the professional team.

"Old Jane..."

A roommate had just spoken, and saw Jian Hao stand up in distraction, lying on the bed like a walking dead.

Put the quilt over the head and make a crying voice: "Don't care about me, I'm closed."


503, the whole dormitory echoed with earth-shaking cheers.

"We beat the hand of Xingtian!"

"And it's still surrendering, it's so cool!"

"Five, what university do you go to, let's go to a professional team!"

Ye Hong smiled slightly, did not join the carnival among the people, closed the computer, and said lightly: "Sleep, otherwise you won't get up tomorrow."

Everyone realized that it was a little bit late at night, and hurried out their tongues and ran to the bed.

But even after turning off the lights, a group of people were still excitedly discussing the details of Fang Cai's game.

Of course, for the commander of the entire team, Ye Hong, he is not stingy with praise.

Ye Hong in the dark, with a smile on his lips.

"Ding! Play group games, group cooperation ability +1!"

"Ding! Playing games with roommates, the collective atmosphere shaping ability +1!"

"Ding! Command is active, command ability is +1!"

"Ding! Defeat well-known players, game ability +1!"



Early the next morning, Ye Hong woke up four sleepy roommates from bed one by one.

After some washing, changing equipment, and then casually going to the cafeteria for a bite of breakfast, the five people came to the East District playground yesterday.

They will spend the next seven hot days during the day.

Gathering, school leadership training, Yanwu leadership training...

After a tedious process, military training officially began!

The students of the Department of Archaeology also met their own instructors.

It was a young man in his early twenties, younger than counselor Sun Bai, and almost the same as these students.

But unlike the loose and white students, although the instructors are young, they are very unusual.

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