Urban Strengthening System

Chapter 1594: I am autistic again

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Jianhao was vomiting blood.

The barrier can add a layer of shield to the hero, with the flash girl's own shield, it is simply a shield on the shield, double protection.

The whole flash girl turned into a turtle.

Jianhao's knife was cut up, but only a thin shield was removed.

What's more, Jane Hao is desperate that he also has a "weakness" in his body.

"It's okay, when the weakness on me and the light shield on the opposite body disappear, it's his death!"

But at this moment, excited and excited Jian Hao suddenly noticed a terrorist incident.

At the same time that the flash girl's blood bar dropped, her sword hero's blood volume was also rubbing down.

Seeing it, it fell into a trace of blood.


Jian Hao instantly understood the other party's strategy!

This is a complete trap!

The Orphan Alliance has a combat mechanism.

If there are both enemy heroes and enemy creeps around the hero, when attacking the opponent's hero, it will trigger the fire of the creeps.

The Jianhao's blood volume dropped precisely because of his attack on the flash girl, which triggered the "dissatisfaction" of the opposing soldier and was collectively bombarded.

Jian Hao, who was just immersed in excitement, did not realize this mechanism.

By the time he responded, his blood tank was almost empty.


As a small ball flew out of the opponent's soldiers and fell lightly on Jianhao's body, it instantly became the last straw to overwhelm the camel.


With Jian Hao's body lying on the ground, the SOLO game came to an end.

The flash girl just went to that stop all the way, even without attacking, she won the game.

The audience who watched this heads-up battle in the Shoe King live broadcast room was quiet first, and then the 666 barrage directly filled the entire computer screen.

"There is a flash girl who kills Happy Swordsman in the shoe king live broadcast room!"

"how is this possible?"

This news was brushed up in various rooms of the entire live broadcast platform.

As a bunch of bankrupts betting on the happy sword hero's victory appeared, people kept pouring into the live broadcast room to explore the details of the SOLO match.

The popularity of the shoe king's live broadcast room is also rising wildly.

But the shoe king at this time did not see these.

He looked silly at Jianhao's body on the screen, letting his cigarette butts burn.

Jian Hao's strength shoe king is better than anyone else, otherwise he would not recommend Jian Hao to the team because of the chance of a game.

Can Jianhao's strength, but also holding such a strong hero as happy Jianhao, was killed by a crispy mage without effort? ? ?

When the ash fell on the shoes, the shoe king suddenly reacted.

"My shoes!"

The shoe king kissed the shoes distressedly and finally had time to deal with the audience in the live broadcast room.

He suddenly saw some barrage ask this:

[Shoe King, is this flash girl the reserve member of your Super King team? 】

[Good grandma's strong! 】

[This level can be corrected directly? 】

The shoe king coughed awkwardly awkwardly, where is it so embarrassing to say that the defeated happy Jianhao is the reserve member of the super emperor.

Can only be perfunctory.

He turned off the live broadcast somewhat depressed, looking at Jianhao aside.

At this time, Jian Hao, squatting under the table with his head held, his eyes lost, as if he had lost his soul.

"Jianhao, are you okay?" Shoe King asked worriedly.

"Leave me alone, I am autistic again."

Jian Haosheng said indifferently.

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