Urban Strengthening System

Chapter 1606: Xuanyuan Dynasty!

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If it is as if Ye Hong guessed, the content of this "Death of Qiyang" is really related to that Qiyang Palace!

It is recorded in the book that there was a glorious grand dynasty named "Xuanyuan Dynasty" on this land 11,000 years ago.

Qiyang Palace is the imperial palace of the Xuanyuan Dynasty.

Ten thousand years ago, for thousands of years, the development of the Xuanyuan Dynasty reached an unprecedented level.

At that time, all the Blue Stars were still in the era of savages, and it was not a little bit different from the Xuanyuan Dynasty.

But just as the Xuanyuan dynasty was about to start exploring all parts of the Blue Star, natural disasters came.

The enemy was as if descending from the sky, and soon launched a violent impact on the Xuanyuan Dynasty.

Those enemies were born with divine power, and the army of the Xuanyuan Dynasty was not their opponent at all.

Even the Taoist priests of Tai Yizong, the state religion, could not take those enemies.

The enemy captured Qiyang Palace, and the Xuanyuan Dynasty died.

This is the so-called Qiyang martyrdom.

This is the end of the first half of the book.

What's weird is that the second half of the book is blank, and it seems that someone deliberately destroyed the content of the second half.

"Ding! Read the records of prehistoric civilization, knowledge of prehistoric civilization +1!"

The system prompts Ye Hong to confirm the authenticity of the book in front of him.

"Xuanyuan Dynasty..."

These words were murmured in his mouth, and I wonder why Ye Hong actually remembered the most mysterious Xuanyuan family among the top ten ancient clan in Kyoto.

It is a mysterious force with incomparable power, but it has always been hidden in the suburbs of Kyoto.

It is also the ancient tribe who let Du Gu silently help himself many times.

Yehong frowned slightly and returned to the front, intending to see who wrote this book.

In the author's column, Ye Hong saw the four words [Dugu asked].

Ye Hong's pupils could not help shrinking.

"A coincidence..."

At the same time, Jiangda Library.

A weird young man wearing a gray robe, carrying a long sword, and holding three bronze coins in his hand, was talking to the librarian in front of the counter.

"Mr. Du Gu, how did you figure out that the ancient book would be borrowed by the classmate Yue Shiyin?"

The young beautiful librarian looked at the young man with admiration.

The young man smiled uninhibitedly, and tossed three bronze coins in his hand gently: "Bu Tian asked, is the housekeeping skill of our Du Gu family."

The beauty administrator was immediately confused.

The young man did not speak, waved his hand, and left happily.

As he walked out of the library, the young man glanced at the sky and murmured, "Strange, why didn't Mr. Xuanyuan let me give the book directly to the kid named Ye?"

"What is [time is ripe]?"

"Forget it, I'll do my job well. I know too much but it will kill my life..."

With the melancholy sigh, the figure of the young man slowly walked into the night.


Ye Hong asked the laboratory to continue to study the substance C99, and then returned to Ming Ye Lou.

He decided that he had to go to Kyoto again when he was free and visit the Xuanyuan family.


The seventh and final day of military training.

Today’s task is relatively easy, that is, the school leaders and Yanwu leaders check the freshmen’s training results these days.

In other words, it is the performance day.

Each class must walk on the runway one by one, let the leaders on the stage review.

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