Urban Strengthening System

Chapter 1608: Class cadre campaign

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Cao Zihao looked at the boy in front of him and said indifferently, "Who are you?"

It was introduced next to him: "Cao Shao, he is Wu Zhen from the Sports Institute."

With that said, the man reprimanded Wu Zhen: "Wu Zhen! Do you understand the rules? Whoever told you to run in front of Cao Shao without permission!"

"Yes, I'm sorry!" Wu Zhen turned pale, and seemed to be very afraid of Cao Zihao.

The arrogant Wu Zhen in the past was as honest as a rabbit in front of Cao Zihao.

"Forget it, you just said you know the one named Yeyun?"

Cao Zihao waved his hand impatiently, "What is he for?"

"I checked, there is no background, but there seems to be a beautiful girlfriend!"

Wu Zhen seemed to think of something. He touched the bruise on his face, and he felt palpitations: "He, his skill is a bit powerful..."

"Skill? Ha ha."

Cao Zihao's mouth twitched a dangerous smile, and he said unkindly: "Despite his skill, he dare to crush me Cao Zihao, I Cao Zihao won't let him be better at Jiang Da!"

Hearing Cao Zihao's words, Wu Zhen's eyes flashed with ecstasy.

Inside my heart: Ye Yun, offended the Cao family, this time see how you die!


The night after the military training, the archaeological class spontaneously saw off Zhang Hao.

Although there were only seven days of getting along, everyone had cultivated deep feelings with Zhang Hao.

The misunderstanding of Zhang Hao from the beginning to recognition is now reluctant.

Several emotional girls were crying wildly.

Before getting on the bus, Zhang Hao patted Ye Hong's shoulder and said deeply: "I hope that one day in the future, I can hear your story in the Yanwu Army."

"Will do."

The light words are Ye Hong's firmest commitment to Zhang Hao.

After farewell to Zhang Hao, it represents the official conclusion of military training.

There is no time for rest. From this day on, the learning life of the freshmen will officially begin.

In order to make it easier to manage the class, counselor Sun Bai decided to select class cadres before the class.

He summoned everyone to the activity room and announced with a smile: "After experiencing this week's military training life, I think you have a deeper understanding.

You should also know who is suitable for which position.

So, if anyone wants to run for class cadres, please raise your hands! "

All of a sudden, the class raised a lot of hands.

It should be known that the class cadres of the university are very different from those of junior high school and high school.

Anyone who serves as a class cadre must devote all his energy and dedication to the development of the class.

A little water will be resisted by the students collectively.

Although the obligation is great, there are many benefits.

More contact opportunities with counselors, more opportunities to participate in campus projects, opportunities to exercise oneself, opportunities to add points, etc. are all benefits of being a class cadre.

In 503, Guo Huang and Ding Zhao were the first to raise their hands.

Rekeza glimpsed Tao Ran raised his hand, hesitated, and then raised his hand.

Xiao Cao has only beautiful women and games in his head. He has no interest in this kind of thing at all, but is playing with his phone while looking down.

Not to mention Ye Hong, who is completely like an outsider, looking quietly and holding an ancient book from the laboratory.

Sun Bai looked at so many hands with satisfaction and asked with a smile: "Since that is the case, let's start the election for the first position.

If you want to run for monitor, please raise your hand. "

The strange thing is that those who raised their hands just put their hands down.

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