Urban Strengthening System

Chapter 1610: Rescue Inferiority Girl

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However, to everyone's surprise, the girl crossed Xiao Cao and came directly to Yehong who was reading a book.

"Student night."

The girl lowered her head slightly, with a beaming smile on her face.

Xiao Cao's smiling face petrified again.

"Did you make a mistake?! Why do beautiful women always run to the fifth?"

Xiao Cao looked sad and angry.

Several other roommates shrugged, with no unexpected expressions on their faces.

They are numb.

From Yue Shiyin, to Murong listening to dreams, to the girl in front of him, Ye Hong's explosive relationship with women, 503 people are already commonplace.

Ye Hong looked up at the girl, nodded, and said nothing.

This girl was, of course, Yin Nanlin, a handicapped girl who helped Ye Hong when she went to the principal Wei Hongshu last time.

It seemed that Wei Hongshu had successfully arranged her to study in the Department of Archaeology.

But this matter was a relief for Ye Hong, but it changed her life for Yin Nanlin.

Since going back that day, Yin Nanlin has never forgotten Ye Hong, always thinking of repaying Ye Hong's kindness.

Seeing myself in a class with Ye Hong now, I was also excited to find ways to repay gratitude.

So even though Ye Hong's attitude is not too salty, Yin Nanlin doesn't mean to go away immediately.

She gritted her teeth and continued shyly to Yehong: "Classmate Ye, I, I want to invite you to dinner, I don't know if you are free?"

Xiao Cao was even more grieved and angry, and sorrowfully ran aside.

"no need."

Ye Hong replied without looking up.


Yin Nanlin also wanted to say something, but Ye Hong sighed slightly, put down the book, and looked up gently: "Yin Nanlin, the reason I help you is because I can't bear to see a positive and optimistic girl trapped by reality.

I don’t expect anything in return, so you don’t have to feel that you owe me anything.

If you really feel uncomfortable, just study hard and make yourself better.

Remember, never mind the strange eyes of others, and always remain optimistic. "

Yin Nanlin was stunned for a moment, Xiu eyes slightly red, almost tears.

Seeing Xiao Cao on the side, regardless of the strange eyes of the students who had not walked around, he returned to the two of them angrily, shouting: "Well, you are the fifth, even Nan Nan classmate is sad, so apologize to her !"

"It has nothing to do with Classmate Ye." Yin Nanlin wiped a tear in the corner of her eyes and said weakly: "I was so moved."

She looked firmer and swears at Ye Hong as if solemnly: "Please rest assured, night classmate, I will not let you down."

"Ding! Enlighten people with disabilities, psychological counseling ability +1, current progress: 110, current level: entry level!"

Ye Hong couldn't help smiling.

He saw it very early, and Yin Nanlin's optimistic and cheerful appearance was actually a heart that was far weaker than others.

Like a hollow ice cream, although it has a sweet shape, as long as the outsider gently poke, it is likely to melt instantly.

This kind of fragility and sensitivity must have come from her inferiority to her disabled body.

Ye Honghong’s words, like the sun breaking through the dark clouds, illuminated Yin Nanlin’s dark corners.

Of course, Ye Hong knew that this mental state could not be reversed in two words.

Fortunately, they will also be classmates in the future. There is plenty of time to save this inferiority girl.

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