Urban Strengthening System

Chapter 1613: Professor Gu

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Tang Mingxi frowned slightly, searching for the answer to this question in his head.

Although she is proficient in archaeology, she is devoted to prehistoric civilization, and she has little knowledge of other periods of knowledge.

It was hard to recall the answer. When Tang Mingxi was about to raise his hand to speak, a clear voice suddenly came from behind the silent classroom.

"Baode Tongbei is the earliest metal mint in the Yan Kingdom, but the ancestor of the bronze mint in the Yan Kingdom."

Everyone in the class couldn't help but focus on the past.

When it turned out that it was Yehong who started the opening, they could not help but scream admiration.

"It's a squad leader, I know it all!"

"Hang!" Tang Mingxi pulled the mink down on the mink coat unpleasantly. "He was hesitant for a while, but the guy took the lead."

At this time, Ye Hong had already read "Ancient Text and Inscription Archaeology".

At this time he was closing the book and closed his eyes silently digesting that brain knowledge.

When half digested, a problem suddenly came in my ear.

No matter who Hongye asked, subconsciously answered casually.

Gu Xinlan looked at Ye Hong, the smug smile on his face could not help but froze, the corners of his mouth could not help smoking.

"Cough, I didn't expect this classmate to know the answer, haha...ah...hahaha--"

After a few laughs, Gu Xinlan regained his spirit and gritted his teeth in his heart: "Stubborn boy, I don’t believe this second question!"

She sorted out her emotions and continued to ask: "The second question: [What is Peiligang Culture]?"

When the problem came out, she was staring at Ye Hong closely.

The students were stunned again, scratching their heads without knowing the answer.

While Tang Mingxi was still thinking, Ye Hong, with his eyes closed, once again talked eloquently: "Pei Ligang culture is the Neolithic culture of the Central Plains Province of the Yan Kingdom.

It is one of the earliest Neolithic cultures discovered in the Central Plains area.

It was named after being excavated and identified in Peiligang Village of Central Plains Province as early as possible.

Peiligang Culture is the Yan Kingdom..."


Gu Xinlan couldn't help screaming.

The harsh sound made everyone in the class focus on her.

Ye Hong also opened his eyes.

Gu Xinlan's scream made him awake from the state of digesting knowledge.

At the moment, he was a little ignorant, obviously he didn't know that the class had already begun.

I don't know, I have offended Professor Gu Xinlan unconsciously twice.

For the first time, so many students looked at him with strange eyes, embarrassment flashed on Gu Xinlan's face, but he felt even more annoyed at Yehong.

"It's all you guys who made Professor Ben so sick!"

I was angry for a while, and even Gu Xinlan's voice was hoarse.

"The third and third questions..."

Gu Xinlan almost squeezed a voice from the teeth: "This classmate, I ask you: [What is cloth currency?"

This question is actually named Dao surname, to let Ye Hong answer.

Gu Xinlan was so annoyed that he lost his mind, but he forgot that this was a test for the whole class.

This kind of gaffe, for the first time since she taught for so many years.

The students were stunned, but they also focused on Yehong.

Even Tang Mingxi gave up thinking and turned to look at Yehong momentarily.

Ye Hong had already reacted to what had happened.

Even so, Ye Hong had no intention of retreating in half.

Because of this question, he really understands.

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