Urban Strengthening System

Chapter 1617: More pheasants than pheasants

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At this time, because of the disputes that have taken place here, it has attracted many students from the corridor.

The students pointed and pointed at this, and there was a lot of discussion.

"The threshold? Nonsense!"

Guo Huang's lips trembled with anger, and his voice spread across the corridor: "I have inquired in advance, and there is no threshold for your financial management community at all?

Why is there a threshold when I come here? "

The members of the man and woman's financial management society looked a little unnatural, but then they turned their faces and became angry and said: "This is the financial management society, we have the final say!

We say there is a threshold, there is a threshold!

What can you do? "

"Very good!" Guo Huang smiled angrily, "I don't bother to join Guo Huang, a society like you!"

He said, ready to leave as soon as he shook his sleeve.

The two members of the financial management society also sneered.

But at this moment, a familiar voice reached Guo Huang's ear.

"The long head stays."


Guo Huang turned his head in surprise, and saw Ye Hong standing with a smile on his face standing diagonally across the door.

"Five, why are you here?

Do you come to join the club? "

The Student Activity Center is an activity base for major organizations.

Now that freshmen are starting school, it's time for major societies to seek new talents.

Basketball clubs, football clubs, Weiqi clubs, astronomical clubs...the flags of countless clubs are everywhere in the campus.

There are also many freshmen like Guo Huang who can’t wait to come to the Student Activity Center to interview and join major organizations.

However, unlike official organizations such as student unions, clubs are more free and inclusive.

Usually, as long as you are interested and pay a small membership fee, you can easily join the club.

The so-called threshold is something unheard of.

So Ye Hong saw at once that this wealth management association was deliberately embarrassing Guo Huang.

Could it be that Guo Huang offended the people in this society?

But for whatever reason, as a member of 503, a hospital in the archaeological class, Ye Hong will never let Guo Huang lose face in front of so many people.

He deliberately raised his voice and glanced indifferently at the wealth management society diagonally opposite: "If you want to learn finance skills, don't you need to join this pheasant society?"

"Who said you are a pheasant club?"

Sure enough, Ye Hong's words directly made the man and the woman blow up.

"Ha ha."

Ye Hong sneered with a sneer and said lightly: "The so-called societies are mainly based on exchange and study, and the atmosphere is free.

And you look at what you are doing: abolishing the public for private reasons, ostracizing others, arrogant...

Isn't this kind of behavior more pheasant than pheasant?

I said that you are a pheasant community and think that you are belittle pheasants! "


Ye Hong's spicy words not only changed the look of the man and the woman, but also made the students watching on the corridor unable to help laughing.

"Which character is our Jiang Da? Why haven't I seen it before?"

"Depending on his age, should he be a freshman?"

"A freshman has such eloquence? Great!"

"Ding! Help your roommates get angry, and collective atmosphere shaping ability +1!"

"Ding! An angry arrogant member, +1 ability!"

Looking at the two students who were so speechless by Ye Hong, Guo Huang was greatly relieved.

Apart from being moved, he also felt a little frustrated: "Ah, I have been looking for this all night.

I finally found a favorite community, I didn't expect it to be this kind of thing..."

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