Urban Strengthening System

Chapter 1621: Cao Zihao's second bomb

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"President, things started smoothly."

Among the boys and girls, the boy explained angrily: "We found that the roommate named Guo Huang was Ye Yun, and at your command, he was turned away.

But I never imagined that Ye Yun even had his own club. "

"If this is the case!" The girl's face was a little ugly: "It was at this time that a Tang family, Tang Mingxi, appeared.

We dare not offend him..."

"You two are just making excuses!"

The girl with heavy makeup is about to continue to reprimand, but Cao Zihao reached out and stopped: "Forget it, it's not a blame for them.

Behind that Tang Mingxi is the Tang family after all, even before I want to move him, I have to weigh it. "

"Thank you, Master Cao!"

The girl with heavy makeup, the president of the wealth management society, glared.

A man and a woman were immediately grateful to Dade, a pair of loyal slaves who wished to kneel down to Cao Zihao.

"It seems that I underestimated this night cloud."

Cao Zihao thought for a while and suddenly smiled: "This one that breaks the research room is definitely very important to Ye Yun.

That being the case, I would like to see how wonderful his expression is when the sweetheart baby is destroyed! "

He said, but he beckoned to the girl with heavy makeup next to him: "Go and ask me about Director Liao of the security department. I want to invite him to dinner."

"Dr. Cao wants to let the security department move the night cloud?"

The girl with heavy makeup said excitedly.

"Don't ask so much.

To do things for this young master, learn to control your mouth! "

Cao Zihao's face was cold, and the girl with heavy makeup was terrified. She dared not say a few more words.


Yehong’s campus life started to function in an orderly manner.

During the day, I listened to the class carefully, and occasionally seized the opportunity. The professors who were entangled with them all asked questions. Several professors who asked directly saw Ye Hong and hid.

At night, either play games with roommates, or just go to the laboratory to care about the research progress.

After class on this day, Ye Hong was planning to return to the living area from the teaching area, but suddenly received a call from Zhou Qianqian.

"The big boss, Director Liao Shengqing of the Security Division, is taking the people from the Security Division to check our laboratory!

A few of us can't stand it anymore, hurry up! "

When Ye Hong heard it, the cold light flashed in his eyes, and immediately took Guo Huang with the same angry face and rushed to the research room.

Only when they reached the corridor, they saw a group of people wearing Jiangda's defense department costumes confronting Yue Shiyin and them.

But on the one side is the tall and powerful defender, but on the other side there is only the boy Zhuang Wei.

The gap between the two sides is not so large.

Seeing that the group of people was about to break into the laboratory, Ye Hong immediately snorted: "I think you dare!"

The sound with great deterrence directly penetrated the entire corridor.

The guards' horses were deterred by the sound, and they turned their heads in horror.

When he saw only two boys, Ye Hong and Guo Huang, his face could not help but lighten up.

Among them was a middle-aged man in his early forties.

The man does not trim, he is unshaven, but he is extremely tall and strong.

If Ye Hong did not guess wrong, this person should be Liao Shengqing, the owner of the security department that Zhou Qianqian said on the phone.

Sure enough, this person with a cold face, said directly to Ye Hong who came: "Are you the owner of this laboratory?"

This is Defendant Ke Liao Shengqing.

The Security Section received a report saying that you have hidden illegal electrical appliances in your laboratory.

Quickly open the door, let us check! "

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