Urban Strengthening System

Chapter 1624: Don't be angry!

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Liao Shengqing and those who defended the department obviously did not expect Ye Hong to open the door so suddenly.

All of a sudden came big eyes to small eyes with the people inside.

When he saw Cao Zihao's somber face to the extreme, Liao Shengqing knew that this matter was no longer perfunctory.

There are many people standing in the activity room of the wealth management club, all wearing the clothes of the wealth management club.

But among all people, only one boy dressed in luxurious clothes was sitting.

Ye Hong's eyes were instantly locked on this person.

At a glance, Ye Hong saw that he had the same temperament as the majors he had ever seen--


Proud to the nostrils up to the sky, proud to have no energy.

Ye Hong could guess with his buttocks, this guy was the one who made it tonight for the research lab.

"Liao Shengqing, is your brain broken?"

Cao Zihao sat on the chair and looked at Liao Shengqing coldly.

Liao Shengqing's face was a bit ugly.

"Director Liao, you treat people as masters, but some people don't seem to appreciate it."

Ye Hong smiled in Liao Shengqing's ear.

"Damn, I'm fed up!"

Liao Shengqing took off his uniform and smashed it **** the ground.

"You students, one is bigger than the other.

Lao Tzu is not a human being rather sandwiched in and out, it's better to roll it out!

Who is the director of this security department? "

Liao Shengqing ignored Cao Zihao's ugly face and shouted at him: "The Cao family is great?

After eating your meal, I lost my job!

I tell you Cao Zihao, I don’t have to wait today, you can play for yourself! "

He said that he turned away directly.

Those of the security department, you look at me, I look at you, and hurried to catch up.

Ye Hong almost laughed out loud.

This Liao Shengqing is really a personal talent, a complaint before leaving, it is almost equivalent to not making a move.

Ye Hong also knew that the person who opposed him turned out to be Cao Zihao.

Ye Hong closed her eyes slightly, searching the name Cao Zihao in her head.

Suddenly, he remembered that the counselor Sun Bai had mentioned the name with him at the end of the military training a few days ago.

It seems to be a student with points second only to Ye Hong.

Is it true that achievements are like this?

This is a bit too nonsense, right?

Ye Hong's eyes flashed and walked towards Cao Zihao.

At the same time, a mighty and powerful atmosphere directly enveloped the entire activity room.

Some people want to stand up to stop Ye Hong, but they only feel that their bodies have become very heavy, and their feet are more like glue on the ground, and they can't walk at all.

Ye Hong's momentum is unbearable even for many ancient and powerful military, not to mention the students who are not involved in the world?

Everyone could only watch Ye Hong approaching Cao Zihao step by step.

"Ding! Collective deterrence, coercion +1, current progress: 100100."

"Ding! Mastery-level coercion upgrade, current level: Guru-level, get Guru-level effects [no anger]."

Every time Yehong took a step forward, the air pressure in the entire activity room seemed to increase by one point.

Cao Zihao, who was sitting in his seat, looked cloudy, trying to maintain his arrogance, but found his breathing difficult.

He could not help loosening his collar, but his throat was still dry.

In this strange and silent situation, Ye Hong finally came to Cao Zihao.

Ye Hongju looked down at Cao Zihao and asked indifferently, "Who are you?"

Cao Zihao wanted to speak his background proudly, but as soon as he reached the throat, he was stuck there somehow.

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