Urban Strengthening System

Chapter 1628: Weird game

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Seeing that the counselor said so, the other class cadres also unified their opinions and agreed to accept this challenge letter from the Finance School of Finance School Class 1.

At the end of the meeting, Sun Bai told Yehong: "Yeyun, you as the monitor, this matter must be organized."

Ye Hong nodded lightly.


The time passed quickly, and soon reached the date of the badminton competition in the challenge book-the Saturday morning of the week.

Ye Hong took the students to the indoor gymnasium in the west campus of the school.

In order to cheer for the contestants, all the students in the archaeological class also went together.

But in the indoor gymnasium, the scene in front of them made the archaeological class stunned.

In the audience, at a glance, at least four or five hundred people sat.

Just casually asked a few people to find out that they are all from the School of Finance, and today came to cheer on the financial management class.

In comparison, only a team of more than 30 people in the archaeological class was suddenly drowned in the auditorium.

"I depend, is there such a need to exaggerate?"

Guo Huang twitched his mouth and said: "Are you calling the whole school of finance across the street?

Bullying us no one in the Department of Archaeology? "

The headaches for the students in the archaeological class are yet to come.

Entering the scene, they found several cameras and several dressed-up figures on the sidelines.

"Lucheng TV, Huangming Sports, Egret News... are our famous TV platforms in Egret City!"

There is a girl who usually reads the news, and she anxiously reads the origins of these reporters.

"Wait! Isn't this game going to be on TV today?"

This series of great battles made everyone more uneasy.

Ye Hong frowned slightly, but looked at the participating teams on the other side of the field, that is, this time about their financial management class.

As expected, he saw Cao Zihao's figure inside.

Cao Zihao gave Ye Hong a slight sneer from across the sky.

Sure enough, this game was probably caused by Cao Zihao again.

No wonder the Tangtang School of Finance will focus on archaeology classes.

There is nothing stupid about it, Ye Hong absolutely does not believe.

So Ye Hong couldn't help but keep an extra eye.


In the middle of the court, a young boy wearing a black T-shirt and holding a whistle picked up a horn and shouted, "Hi fellow students, I am the referee of this freshman badminton friendly match.

He glanced at both sides of the venue and said expressionlessly: "Please join the contestants on both sides to register with me."

The friendly badminton match was divided into three games: men's singles, women's singles and mixed doubles.

According to the original plan, the archaeological class planned to send Rekza and Tao Ran to participate in the competition.

But now that he realized that the game was likely to be greasy, Yehong grabbed Rekza.

"The third boy, I am here."

Rekza and Tao Ran looked at Yehong with some doubt, but after seeing his serious expression, he knew what Yehong should have planned.

The two did not complain at all, and decisively replaced Rekza with Yehong.

In this way, Ye Hong took Tao Ran to Luo Shaocong and left.

At the same time, one male and one female contestant from Class 1 of Financial Management also came over.

Seeing their figure, Tao Ran's expression suddenly changed.

"Something wrong, they are not financial class 1!"

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