Urban Strengthening System

Chapter 1636: Squad leader

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Not only that, the Cao family also heard from the elders in the family that the Jin family seems to have a great influence in Gulin and Jianglong provinces next door.

The entire northeastern provinces of the Yan Kingdom have never heard of the Jin family’s reputation.

Tang Cao's family is not much different from the status of an ant in the eyes of others.

And the owner of this call is the most famous second ancestor of the Jin family, the most famous dude in the entire Youzhou province!

Jinshi Jinshilong!

Speaking of this Jin Shilong, the ridiculous things he did, even Cao Zihao was consciously inferior.

Spreading money on the street is just daily, and hunting sharks is an after-dinner entertainment.

The packaged and raised woman can fill a whole villa.

A man with a chin on his chin can fill the whole long street!

Such a real second generation ancestor, even Cao Zihao did not dare to provoke him half a point.

Although the Cao family has some contact with the Jin family, Cao Zihao and Jin Shilong are only friends.

But why did Jin Shilong suddenly call himself?

"I heard that there is a shark that has never appeared in the East China Sea. This time I went to Egret City to hunt for sharks.

Jin Shilong joked: "We just heard from your Cao family that you seem to have been fooled by a freshman?

How is it? My brother has been in a good mood recently. Would you like to help you out? "

Cao Zihao's gloomy eyes seemed to be suddenly filled with glory.

He is not fighting overnight, but how could Yehong be Jin Shilong's opponent?

Cao Zihao thought of this, and the whole person was directly excited, shouting: "Begging for younger brother to be the master!"

"Oh, what's the beginning of that freshman? Come and listen."

"His name is Yeyun..."

Cao Zihao told Ye Shilong the materials he had collected at hand.

But he did not know that the information he collected was only forged by Wei Hongshu for Ye Hong.

"That's it? I thought it was an ancient tribe!"

Jin Shilong on the other side of the phone disdaind: "For people with no background like this, I can die a day.

Don't worry, my brother gave you this breath. "

Not to mention the excitement of Cao Zihao who found the backer here, and the archaeological class on the other side is discussing how to celebrate today's victory.

Some people proposed to sing K, some people suggested to travel, but most people agreed to go out for dinner.

Sure enough, eating is the eternal common hobby of mankind.

The method of celebration was decided, and everyone began to struggle with the location of the dinner.

At this time Rekza sounded the glutinous rice chicken brought by Ye Hong on the school day, as if from a restaurant called Ye Shi.

Rekeza, who never forgets the taste of glutinous rice chicken, immediately raised his hand and suggested going to dinner for dinner.

But when the call came out, there was not much response.

The doubtful Rekza was sternly white-faced by Tao Ran.

"Fool! Do you know how expensive night food is?"

Tao Ran, a native of Egret City, how could he not understand the famous night food?

But because of this, she knew that the high-end restaurants like night food were not for those students.

Other students who also listened to the name of the overnight meal also showed helpless smiles.

Rekza looked at the roommates in amazement, only to realize that the pieces of glutinous rice chicken that Yehong had brought them had such a big start.

Ye Hong, who hadn't said much, said a little smile at this time: "Don't be entangled, go to the night food, I will treat you."

The class was stunned for a while, and then there was a shout of cheering.

"Squad leader mighty!"

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