Urban Strengthening System

Chapter 1674: What snake skin are you playing again?

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Cai Jiannan and Mochizuki Ruri smiled secretly in their hearts, and it seemed that a war was inevitable.

I don't worry about them regardless of them. After all, there are two masters of Wu Chi and Qing Mei.

It's just that the relationship with the sea market is estimated to be stiff in the future.

Just at this moment of tension, Poseidon was staring at Yehong indifferently.

"and who are you?"

His original focus was all on Cai Jiannan and Mochizuki Ruri, and he thought Yehong was just a follower of them.

But when he looked at it now, he suddenly discovered that Ye Hong seemed to be the dominant player in the team.

"Yan Guo, Ye Hong."

Ye Hong's eyes lifted slightly, and he spoke quietly.


Poseidon's dim eyes flashed for a while, as if recalling something.

He closed his eyes silently, as if turning into a standing stone sculpture.

After a long time, he opened his eyes.

Waving at the guards who stared at him, "Go out first."

The guards nodded together, put away their weapons and left the room.

"Boss, you can't let this rude boy so easily!"

Swordtooth whale looked at Ye Hongdao resentfully.

He had a grudge against Yehong and thought that Poseidon would take action against Yehong. At this moment, when Poseidon made people retreat, he couldn't help shouting.

Poseidon glanced at the saber-toothed whale lightly: "Would you like to make a decision for me?"

The saber-toothed whale's pupils shrank, and the big bald head was directly covered with cold sweat. Nane said: "The subordinate is wrong!"

After secretly warning the sabertooth whale, Poseidon looked at Yehong again.

Somehow, Ye Hong felt that Poseidon's eyes were much softer than before.

A smile appeared on the skinny face.

Although the smile was ugly, it surprised everyone in the room instantly.

Poseidon, who has been in the East China Sea for decades, has never shown a smile to outsiders. He laughed now!

Just listening to Poseidon smiling, "Yehong, right?"

You talk about it, why am I [but so] ah? "

Shrouded in the powerful gas field of Poseidon, Ye Hong's voice did not tremble at all, and said lightly: "Because your so-called principle of doing things is contradictory.

Since the first principle is whatever you want, does it conflict with the firmness of the second principle?

Today, the Business League arrested the traitors. I don’t believe you will have any way to control a sea market.

That being the case, your so-called [firmly not change] can certainly be transformed into [whatever you want].

Therefore, these so-called principles are all deliberately embarrassed by us. "

A glance of admiration flashed through the eyes of Poseidon and suddenly clapped hard.

A hearty laughter came out of Poseidon's mouth: "Ha ha ha ha, your kid is really interesting, it is worthy of..."

Poseidon's laughter closed, and suddenly narrowed his eyes, and asked a question that had nothing to do with the current situation: "Yellow boy, can you swim?"

Ye Hong didn't know what Poseidon wanted to do, but just said in silence: "It's so-so."

The Wu Chi behind him twitched the corner of his mouth, secretly voicing Ye Hong's dishonesty.

He saw the level of swimming overnight.

Hearing Ye Hong's words, Poseidon suddenly waved his hand: "In that case, would you dare to have a swimming competition with me?

If you win me, I will let your business alliance arrest the traitors. "

When this unreasonable remark came out, it obviously cleared everyone else's head for a second.

What snake skin is this old man playing again?

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