Urban Strengthening System

Chapter 1677: New leader

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A sentence from Poseidon shocked the whole square in a moment.

But in the next second, there was an uproar.

All the people who come to Haishi often wonder where the leader of Poseidon will hand over the next chair.

But no one expected that at this moment, Poseidon would announce such a breaking news in front of everyone!

The next leader is still a little-known teenager.

Cai Jiannan and Mochizuki Ruri were dumbfounded.

They stared at Yehong in a daze for nothing, and they didn't respond to what happened.

In the end, what kind of ecstasy did Yehong use on Poseidon? Why did you return to Poseidon even after taking a swim?

The two seriously suspected that seawater had entered Poseidon's head.

Qingmei was still an insignificant expression, but his eyes swept between Poseidon and Yehong, and he seemed to find something.

Wu Chi is a little hook in the corner of his mouth, jokingly said: "I know this kid has a back stroke.

Lost the game, but earned a sea leader.

In this business, Grand Tete's steady profit is not lost! "

The three leaders of the sea market also have different expressions.

Silver sharks and saber-toothed whales are relatively stunned, followed by dumb faces.

On the contrary, it is a pale red seahorse on a normal day, but at the moment, he unwillingly shouted to the sea god: "Why?

Why is he instead of the three of us? ! "

Poseidon did not take care of the red-eyed hippocampus, but just smiled and looked at Yehong.

Of all the people, the most shocked is of course Ye Hong himself.

He knew that Poseidon was doing everything, but he did not expect that the old man would throw out such a shocking news in court.

Let Ye Hong be the new leader of the city?

But Yehong is only the first time to visit Haishi today!

Thanks to this old man's idea!

"Anmou's third principle in doing things: no regrets."

Poseidon smiled and said a meaningful sentence, suddenly showing the color of pain, the whole person shook, and fell behind him.

Ye Hong's eyes were fast and he stepped forward to help him.

Ye Hong knew that the old man was still supporting him after all.

There was an instant mess in the square, and many people came around.

"Quickly bring the leader into the palace!"

The three leaders shouted loudly.

But when Poseidon's men planned to lift Poseidon into the palace, Poseidon's face was pale and his eyes were closed, but his right hand was holding Yehong.

Weak said in his mouth: "You, you come..."

"Huh! Your kid comes in too!"

In desperation, the people in the sea market can only let Ye Hong follow along.

With a loud bang, the palace gate closed tightly, blocking the noisy crowd outside.

Cai Jiannan and Mochizuki Ruri looked at each other, Mochizuki Ruri worried: "Yehongjun will not be okay?"

Wu Chi leaned his head on both hands and said lazily: "Even if everyone has an accident here, the kid will not be in trouble."

It's hard for Qingmei to tell the truth: "Yehong's skill is extraordinary, she's smart, she won't be in trouble."

Hearing that the two most powerful people in the line were speaking, Mochizuki Ruri was not so nervous.

But she soon began to whisper with Cai Jiannan.

Many things happening in Haishi today, especially the decision that was just announced by Poseidon, made the two have to spend time to sort out their clues.

At this time, inside the palace.

People in Haishi are putting Poseidon back into Fang Cai's room full of treasures.

Still on the mountain of money.

Poseidon himself strongly requested.

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