Urban Strengthening System

Chapter 1685: Arrest operation

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At the moment, Ye Hong suddenly looked at the square and said deeply: "Since I know that the traitor is a Sith, anyway, there are not many Sith in this square, I can definitely find it immediately."

In fact, there are still a lot of Sith people in the square, but Ye Hong said these words just to defraud the traitor.

When speaking, Ye Hong raised his eyes and scanned the whole square.

A broad and deep pressure like the sea directly enveloped the square.

"Ding! Trigger the master-level coercion effect [Don't be angry], trigger the mastery-level cognition ability."

"Ding! Compatible abilities, triggering ability superposition, strengthening ability effect."

In just a moment, everyone in the square felt that someone was holding a magnifying glass at themselves.

The dirt in my heart is being amplified instantly.

How many people can clean this place?

Under the pressure of Ye Hong, the people in the square instantly fell into a panic.

But one of the people is extremely obvious.

Ye Hong's eyes were locked on him for an instant.

I saw that it was a middle-aged male stall owner with natural brown curly hair typical of Sicilians.

Everyone else was uneasy, but only he desperately pressed down the brim of his head, and he didn't seem to want people to see his face.

"Got you!"

Ye Hong immediately pointed, Hong Zhong's voice across the square: "Catch him!"

The murderers in the sea market all rushed there.

The stall owner found out that his identity had been revealed, and hurriedly pushed the things out of the stall, and then drilled into the dense crowd.

But he has been locked by Ye Hong, how can he escape Ye Hong's flamboyant eyes?

"Ding! Trigger proficient listening, trigger proficient scene memory, trigger proficient listening ability, trigger proficient navigation..."

Countless abilities burst out in Yehong's brain, and a clear 3D map is built in Yehong's brain.

No matter where the Sith man escapes, it is just a small red dot moving on the map.

"over there!"

"Running there!"

"Hiding in booth D65!"

Ye Hong is like a general who is in charge of the overall situation. Every time he points his finger, he can accurately report the location of the Sicilian.

At first, the people in the sea market still had some doubts, but after they caught up with the Sith man several times, there was only full worship in Yehong!

The other people in the square watched this vast arrest with dumbfounded eyes.

When he was pulled out again, the Sith man panted and sat on the ground desperately.

He can no longer run.

Seeing a group of poor-looking big men rushing up, the Sicilian immediately panicked and shouted, "Himaima, lead me, save me!"

But no matter how he shouted, he could not escape the end of being pressed on the ground by a group of men who knew men.

Mochizuki Ruri carried the skirt and trot all the way.

She lowered her head and carefully looked at the face of the Sith man, exclaimed: "It's him, Kata, the merchant of the Sith Bank in the Business League!

It was he who leaked the intelligence of our business alliance and let the dream..."

Mochizuki Ruri suddenly thought that this was an occasion that was not suitable for mentioning the words of the Nightmare Factory, and took back the rest of the words.

The moment Kata's identity was confirmed, everyone in Yehong looked at the ugly red pupil sea horse.

They did not forget the last sentence just spoken by Kata.

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