Urban Strengthening System

Chapter 1690: Another magical effect of the sea market

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Ann stared blankly at Ye Hong’s back and suddenly smirked.

This smile made goose bumps on the side of the sea.

They have served by An Tiantian all their lives, but they have never seen the divine Poseidon showing such a hypocritical smile.

At the same time, on the side of the Chamber of Commerce, interrogation of Kata was also carried out in an orderly manner.

After seeing the tragedy of the red pupil seahorse, Kata was so scared that he was in a state of collapse that asked him to explain everything.

Some interrogation was quite rewarding.

According to Kata's account, he and Kane Stanpol, the gold merchants who had troubled in Linzhou, were indeed both traitors buried in the Shangmeng Nightmare Factory.

However, Kata just received the remittance from the Nightmare Factory and obeyed orders, but he didn't even know the contact person of the other party.

Even the manipulator of the mechanical shark δ this time, someone sent it to him by courier and asked him to hand it to the red pupil.

In other words, the people who controlled all the nightmare factories did not show up from beginning to end.

This made Ye Hong have to lament the cunning of this organization.

He couldn't help but think of the escaped Dongfang Luyong, and secretly guessed whether it was Dongfang Luyong's handwriting.

Although Ye Hong had nothing to gain here, Mochizuki Ruri seems to have learned some information about the branch of the Sakura Nation Business Alliance from Kata’s confession, and can’t wait to take Kata back to Sakura.

Cai Jiannan did not plan to go back together, he would go back to Bailu City with Yehong, and then back to Anming County.

Before Mochizuki Ruri left the market, he sincerely invited Yehong: "Yehongjun, you must come to Sakura Country if you have time."

I will entertain you well by then! "

In response, Ye Hong naturally nodded with a smile.

For the country of Sakura, Ye Hong knows it more from the action film of the second element and love.

If you really have time, Ye Hong really wants to set foot on this land to see the culture of the cherry blossom country.

Looking at the back of Mochizuki Ruri's departure, Ann Zaitian didn't know when it came out, and he smiled and said, "This baby girl is very good, looks good, has the ability, and has a very virtuous personality.

I think it's suitable for my grandson's wife.

Don't you think about it? "

Ye Hong gave An Zaitian a glance, turned around and left, leaving only An Zaitian's smile as an old man in his place.

After all the turmoil subsided, the maritime market returned to normal order.

The transactions on the square have also continued.

Yehong did not rush out of the sea market, but began to stroll around the square.

Rarely come to the world's largest underground trading market, you can't go back empty-handed.

The black market merchants on the square also paid enough respect to Ye Hong, the new sea market leader.

Seeing him come, many stall owners have to give him a low price discount.

After all, if you have a good relationship with Yehong, you will be able to walk sideways in the sea.

Ye Hong strolled around a few stalls casually, said nothing on the surface, and kept shaking his head.

These prohibited items sold can only be traded here.

If it is spread outside, it will inevitably pose a great threat to ordinary people.

Ye Hong suddenly understood the significance of the existence of the sea market.

Without the management and restrictions of the maritime market, making these black transactions popular all over the world is bound to be a disaster.

At the same time, Ye Hong also discovered another wonderful use of the sea market.

As long as the sea market exists for one day, Yehong will be able to screen the transaction records for any prohibited items that flow into Yan Guo!

This way you can prepare for prevention in advance.

In other words, Haishi will become Yehong's eyes and ears in the direction of the world.

Thinking of this, Ye Hong did not repel this leader position very much.

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