Urban Strengthening System

Chapter 1695: Look at others' IQ

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Ye Hong gave the silver pen artist a thumbs up.

"It's worthy of being an ancient warrior, know the goods!"

The silver pen painter's face was helpless: "Forbidden Qi is forbidden to be antiquity, I am no longer qualified to be called the ancient warrior."

Fifth, Qinglan was trembling with anger after learning the effect of Qiqidan.

"Ye Hong, you dog thief, quickly give me the antidote, otherwise the fifth..."

"Wake up, Fifth Qinglan!" Fifth Qinglan's words were only halfway through, and he was coldly interrupted by Ye Hong: "Do you really think the fifth family will come to save you?"

If you really want to save people, you have already started to act.

I see, you have become a family abandoned child. "

Fifth Qinglan looked pale and panic flashed in his eyes: "Don't be alarmist, our family will never give up any clan!"


A sarcasm sounded from outside the door.

Ono with a mad feather didn't know when he came.

She walked into the room and looked at Fifth Qinglan ironically: "It is our family that does not give up any clan, not your sidemen!

Do you remember how many clan guards are still in exile because of your betrayal? ! "

"Fifth Qingmu, why are you here?"

The appearance of Ono surprised Fifth Qinglan.

Since the last failed operation in Dongting Province, Fifth Qinglan has no trace of Ono and their traces.

But did not expect Ono to appear next to Ye Hong.

Ono didn’t answer the fifth Qinglan’s question, but just came to her and sighed like an adult: “Clan sister, I’m with you from the fifth family. I can detect that your heart is not bad, but Pure paranoia.

Listen to my sister's words, don't kill your crazy collateral.

Your good life should not be wasted in that kind of place! "

Ono's sincere persuasion, as well as the clan sister from the heart, made Fifth Qinglan silent.

After a long time, the fifth Qinglan smiled silently: "Since you know that I am paranoid, I must not persuade me when I know.

You guys give up, I will not disclose any information about the fifth family! "

Ono sighed again, shaking his head speechless.

A hint of meaning flashed in Ye Hong's eyes, but it made people unravel the breathless network of the fifth Qinglan and the silver pen painter.

Fifth Qinglan asked with a stunned face: "Are you afraid that we ran away?"

The silver pen painter sighed quietly behind her: "Miss Qinglan, both of us have eaten his Qi Dan and are still in his base camp. Where can we go?"

"Look at people's IQ and consciousness, and then look at yourself." Ye Hong glanced contemptuously at Fifth Qinglan, and he almost made the fifth Qinglan angry until he was born.

Strangely, Ye Hong really didn't care about these two people since then.

He left the Haiye Island all by himself without giving a word.

Not only that, Ye Ren's people seemed to have not seen them both, let them freely stroll on Haiye Island, and they didn't worry about their escape at all.

Fifth Qinglan was also confused.

She and the silver pen painter went to the beach, watching the vast sea froze for a long time, and returned to Yeblade base with frustration.

The two walked aimlessly around the base.

Of course, they are not allowed to enter some of the top secret locations.

In this way, the fifth Qinglan they came outside the base's martial arts field.

A loud practising martial arts sound kept coming from the martial arts field.

Fifth Qinglan gritted his teeth and said, "Go, let's see what the level of Ye Hong's men are!"

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