Urban Strengthening System

Chapter 1701: Romantic vs. Gu Mingye

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In this group of five people, three men and two women.

Because today's teams are required to wear the uniforms of various colleges, Ye Hong suddenly saw that they were five freshmen in the computer academy.

After all, Jian Hao is the direct senior of their computer academy, no wonder he is so maintained.

The fierce appearance of the five people is really a bit scary. Reke and Ding Zhao, who are unwilling to cause trouble, have turned their heads.

But the rest of 503 is three thorns.

Even if Yehong and Guo Huang were left, they were too lazy to waste their tongues to deal with these people.

But Xiao Cao's mouth is quite rude.

"A guy who can serve [the hand of Xingtian] as a **** can know how many dishes he should have without thinking.

I advise you to go back to the dormitory to play games early, and don’t waste everyone’s time. "

Xiao Cao's idea was to be able to persuade a team to be a team, reducing the obstacles to winning the championship.

Xiao Cao's harsh words directly made the five people in Jiyuan look green for a while.

Just as the smell of gunpowder became stronger between the two sides, the sweet voice of the host came from the stage.

"The first round of knockout starts now!"

Because there are too many participating teams, according to the rules, a round of knockouts must be performed first, followed by another round of promotion, and the final is the final competition.

"Wish you can't sustain the knockout!"

The Jiyuan team glared fiercely at the 503 and went to their competition venue.

The five of 503 also sat down on the court.

During the competition, you can choose to bring your own equipment and use the official equipment of the e-sports association.

Among the five people, except Guo Huang, who is usually keen on the game, brought his own mouse and keyboard, the other four people chose the equipment provided by the official.

In the knockout, they faced a team from the Foreign Language Academy, the team name: [Romantic].

Every team participating in the competition today must take the name of the team, so the 503 people racked their brains and suffocated a team name-[Ask Gu Mingye].

This slightly poetic team name is provided by Xueba Dingzhao, who is second only to Yehong in the dormitory.

Ask the ancients, that is, their archaeology major.

Mingye is the Mingyelou where several of them are located.

Just looking at the team names of the two sides seems to be able to perceive a murderous opposite.

[Romantic] The team members all looked relaxed, proudly looking at Ye Hong and the others here, and chuckled nonstop: "Archaeology Department? Does Jiang Da have this department?"

"It's so poor that even the equipment has to be used officially, and it's really embarrassing."

It's no wonder that this group of people dare to ridicule like this.

After all, the people of the College of Foreign Languages ​​have always been famous throughout the university for their excellent family conditions.

Many foreign language college students actually come to Jiangda for gilding.

After they graduated, the family had already arranged for them many decent jobs like diplomatic missions, international finance, etc.

Because of this, they have a sense of superiority.

This can also be seen from the luxury e-sports equipment they carry.

For example, their captain, a boy with brown hair, was even exaggeratingly carrying his own gaming chair.

In contrast, [Ask Gu Mingye] The captain here, Ye Hong, just sat in the ordinary chair provided by the E-sports Association, without even a backrest.

"There is so much nonsense, it is worthy of learning foreign languages."

Guo Huang gave them a glance.

In addition to Xiao Cao in the dormitory, Guo Huang, the kid who is the most acquainted.

A simple sentence directly angered the five people on the opposite side.

"Wait a moment and let you know what a poor ghost is not worthy of playing games!"

After a ruthless word from [Romantic], the referee at this table announced the official start of the game!

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