Urban Strengthening System

Chapter 1706: script!

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"Ding! After investigation, the probability that the other party uses the script is detected: 97.35%."

The blushing eyes instantly caught cold.

The so-called script is a written program.

Through the program, you can let the computer to perform certain operations instead of humans.

Such as automatic evasion skills!

Therefore, Ye Hong and the target they had been fighting against was not five people, but five computers!

[The top of IT] The five people are obviously just doing it.

No wonder they will qualify from the promotion match so easily!

Ye Hong, who knew the secret of the opponent, reached out and requested to suspend the game.

The game is suspended.

The audience below shouted with dissatisfaction.

"Don't fight, just call for a pause!"

"That is, just surrender if you can't fight, don't use these useful and useless!"

The referee of this game, a boy wearing eyes came over and asked what happened.

Ye Hong looked coldly at the opposite side and said in a deep voice: "Judge, I request to check whether there is a program script on their computer!"

As soon as these words came out, the head referee froze in place.

"This classmate, we are live sports, how could they have the opportunity to cram scripts into the computer?"

The head referee's eyes seemed to shift.

Ye Hong always insisted on checking.

Several people at 503 also seemed to react. Immediately and Yehong stood together, demanding a thorough investigation of the computer opposite.

The head referee saw a louder voice on the stage, which attracted the attention of many audiences.

"Okay! We can check, but if it turns out that the other party has no scripts, but you intentionally interfere with the game.

At that time, please immediately apologize to each other, and immediately apologize to our event organizer! "

The head referee spoke indifferently and found several officers of the E-sports Association to the five computers of [Top of IT].

[Top of IT] The five players also knew about the inspection to be faced, but there was no sign of confusion on their faces. Instead, they looked at [Ask Gu Mingye] provocatively.

Ye Hong watched them look fearless, thinking of the headman's dodge look, and a flash of lightning flashed in his heart.

The E-sports Association is a college-level society, and the past presidents are all from the School of Computer Science.

And in the e-sports association, the computer school has the most students.

Ye Hong inevitably wondered, would these five people in the "Top of IT" also be members of the E-sports Association? !

And the people who check the computer, and [Top of IT] are all at one go?

This can also explain why people at the top of IT are so fearless.

If this is the case, isn't it typical [I check myself]?

What can I find out to have ghosts?

Ye Hong, who responded, immediately stopped loudly and said: "I beg to let me check!"

Ye Hong's words changed the face of the referee and the top five of IT.

Many of the esports associations present were unnatural.

Obviously, Ye Hong guessed the big probability.

[Top of IT] People in the e-sports association are basically the same nostril!

At this time, the audience seems to be asking what happened on the stage.

A noisy discussion began to sound underneath.

Seeing that the matter was getting out of control, the head referee said angrily to Ye Hong: "This classmate, please stop fooling around!

We hold so many games, and there is never a precedent for players to check each other's computers! "

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