Urban Strengthening System

Chapter 1708: Follow me back to the team

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It turns out that the shoe king is here to find [The Last Night]!

This unexpected incident caught everyone present.

"Uh... Senior Evil King, what are you doing to find [Final Nights]?"

The first responder was the head referee of the esports association.

He came to the shoe king with an admiring look and asked respectfully.

"Less nonsense, I will ask you if he is here?!"

The shoe king ignored the idea of ​​the head referee and roared at him.

God knows that because he was worried that he couldn't find the [Final Night] after the event, he drove from the city to Jiangda, and asked many students to find it.

He is now focused only on [The Last Night], and everyone else is standing by!

The referee was snarled by the shoe king, but he did not dare to show his dissatisfaction in front of the famous shoe king.

He doesn't know why the shoe king came to [Final Night], he can only point to the position of Yehong on the stage.

Shoe King's eyes narrowed and instantly locked Ye Hong on the stage.

Then he trot all the way, came to the stage, and looked at Ye Hong in surprise: "You are [the end of the night?"

Shoe King frowned slightly, but was surprised that Ye Hong's age was so small.

He originally thought it was an old web worm that had been immersed in games for many years.

Yehong frowned and glanced at the shoe king, making sure that he had never seen this person.

But looking at Guo Huang's excited expression, it seems that this person has a great future.

Ye Hong nodded lightly, and said nothing.

At this time, the shoe king also saw the conspicuous ID on the computer screen in front of Yehong, and became more sure that Yehong was the one he had been looking for for a long time [Final Night].

The excited shoe king directly grabbed Ye Hong's arm and dragged him outside the hall: "Go! Follow me back to the Jihuang team!"

When the words came out, the audience was shocked.

It was not until this time that they reacted one after another. The shoe king came here all the time, was it to bring Yehong back to the Jihuang team?

But is this too important?

You know, the original [Hand of Xingtian] Jian Hao did not have this kind of treatment!

The shoe king tugs, but finds Yehong immobile.

He remembered that he hadn't introduced himself to Yehong, thinking that Yehong didn't know what was happening, so he slapped his head and smiled and said, "I'm the captain and jungler of Team One of the Extreme King Team, Team ID [Evil King] , But everyone generally calls me the shoe king.

Last time I saw you win Jane Hao in the SOLO match, at that time, I saw your operation at a glance, and I wanted to invite you to join our team of the Extreme King team as a starting assistant. "

This time, the whole audience was buzzing and buzzing, and the sound of shocking discussion kept echoing among the audience.

If the shoe king personally invited Yehong to join the team, it has shocked them enough, then the sentence in front of the shoe king has caused many people to dream up and be speechless.

Starter support!

It's a special team!

That's not a reserve player like Jane Hao who needs to go through a lot of assessments to get right, but a starting assistant who directly enters the core team!

Its representative is one of the entire King Royal team.

Since the establishment of the Jihuang team, Ye Hong is the first player to receive such attention!

Countless envious eyes focused on Ye Hong.

The other information revealed in the shoe king's words made many people who originally admired Jane Hao fall into the ice cave.

It turned out that Ye Hong had singled out against Jian Hao, and also beat Jian Hao!

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