Urban Strengthening System

Chapter 1727: Liu Zhaoxi

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Around three o'clock in the afternoon, the group finally entered the legendary Beijing University.

Compared with Jiangnan University, the largest academic institution in Jiangnan Province, Kyoto University is worthy of being a top-ranked institution.

If Jiang Da is like a small county town, then Jing Da is like an international metropolis.

The group had no time to appreciate the beauty and magnificence of Beijing University, and they followed the guide to the destination of this trip-the Great Hall of the Eastern District of Beijing University.

After Gu Xinlan presented the certificate, the delegation entered the auditorium in turn.

At this time, the auditorium was already full of people.

A dark figure filled the seat.

But few people made a sound, and the scene seemed quite quiet.

These people are university delegations from all over the country.

This archaeological and cultural exchange meeting was initiated by Beijing University. Of course, we will not only invite such a university as Jiangda University.

The top universities in all provinces of the country are among the invitations.

It can be said that this is the grandest archaeological and cultural exchange meeting in Yanguo University.

Even the host of the conference was a Beijing University professor of archaeology.

I saw that it was a middle-aged man who was ******.

From the thick lens, it seems that the professor's deep research on the academic.

A scholarly demeanor circulated from him.

Equally special is his magnetic voice.

Perhaps because of this, he would be sent out as a host.

"Let me introduce myself first.

My name is Liu Zhaoxi, I am a professor in the Department of Archaeology of Beijing University, a doctoral tutor..."

Next is a list of titles and resumes.

Ye Hong didn't feel much, but Zhuang Wei and Zhou Qianqian had grown their mouths full of worship.

The delegations of colleges and universities in the auditorium also gave a respectful applause.

The entire afternoon thereafter was spent in Liu Zhaoxi's introduction.

But much of what he said was empty talk for Yehong.

Such as the significance of archaeology, the prospects for the development of archaeology, the exchange norms of the archaeological community... and so on.

Ye Hongyue wanted to sleep more and more and took a nap with her head resting on her arm.

This lazy expression made Fang Yingrong aside with a sneer and contempt.

It was not until Liu Zhaoxi mentioned prehistoric civilization that Ye Hong was refreshed for a moment.

"Prehistoric civilization has always been a niche study in our archaeological community.

I have heard in recent days that some colleges and universities are specializing in this research route. What I want to say is..."

Liu Zhaoxi smiled ridiculously: "It is better to concentrate on the historical facts of existence than to study such illusory things.

After all, do we rely on archaeology to eat now or in the future?

I would like to ask which funding team will be betting on prehistoric civilization? "

In saying this, Liu Zhaoxi somehow glanced at the location of the Jiang delegation.

For others, Liu Zhaoxi's humorous words won another burst of laughter.

However, several people in Yehong were so sullen.

Especially Zhuang Wei and Zhou Qianqian.

Now they are devoted to studying prehistoric civilization, but they were coldly poured by Liu Zhaoxi in a pot of cold water.

Zhou Qianqian whispered unkindly: "What professor at Beijing University is at this level."

As soon as this remark came out, it attracted the attention of several delegations from around the world.

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