Urban Strengthening System

Chapter 1747: Templar

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"A person?"

The old man's tone was raised three times directly: "When can even one person stand on the head of our Yuwen family and **** and pee!

What kind of bird did you develop into the Yuwen family in these forty years of my sleep? ! "

Those in the Huangfu family shook like sieve chaff, kneeling on the ground and trembling.

After scolding for a long time, the old man Shen Sheng asked: "Who is that person? What strength?"

"Return to your ancestor, the boy is named Ye Hong.

In terms of strength... The Ximen family said that he had ancient martial arts. "

"Gudao Wujing..."

The old man murmured a few times, and suddenly asked: "Since the Simon family is willing to provide information, why not work together to deal with this one called Yehong?"

"Returning to our ancestors, the Ximen family was dragged by the temple and could not get away."

"Huh! Temple! I haven't heard the name in forty years, it's still annoying!"

The old man didn't seem to want to hear the name of the temple, and waved angrily: "Go, present all the information of Ye Hong to me.

Even such wild cats and wild dogs dare to insult my Yuwen family, and have not left the coffin for forty years. It seems that the ancient martial world has forgotten me [崆山尸道] Yuwen Zuoye's reputation! "


The next day, the discussion forum for the formation of the Yanguo University Archaeological Union was still held at Beijing University.

At this meeting, the protagonist is not a student.

All the attendees were famous scholars, professors and experts in the archaeological world...

Even Yu Hong heard that the people in the temple would send people to attend the meeting.

To the surprise of Ye Hong, Liu Zhaoxi was also included in the meeting.

But apparently yesterday's incident hit Liu Zhaoxi too hard, he was still in a state of weakness.

At the moment when he saw the chief culprit, Ye Hong, who caused all this, Liu Zhaoxi turned angrily like he saw his father and his enemies killed.

Ye Hong did not care about this person, and began to observe other people who attended the meeting.

Including him, there were about ten people invited to the scene today.

But these ten people represent the authority voice of most of the archaeological community.

And when Ye Hong looked at other people, it also became the focus of observation.

People are certainly curious about Ye Hong's youngest audience.


On the left hand of the conference table, an old man with white hair cleared his cough twice and attracted all the attention.

"All of you here must know me, so I won't introduce myself much."

The old man laughed at himself and said lightly: "Today's discussion will be presided over by a representative of the temple. We will start when he comes later."

Ye Hong looked at the empty throne and wondered who the temple would send.

According to the information previously collected by Ye Hong, this self-deprecating old man is not an ordinary person.

He is the dean of the School of Archaeology at Kyoto University and the vice-president of Kyoto University, and a true veteran figure in the archaeological world-Leiming.

Even Thunder could only be subordinated. Obviously, the people sent by the temple this time were very unusual.

Five minutes later, a sonorous footsteps stepped into the meeting room.

To the surprise of most people, this turned out to be a fairly young young man.

In his early twenties, an angular Chinese face was full of killing air.

The iron blood breath that could be cultivated in a military brigade made the air freeze a bit.

Ye Hong opened his mouth in amazement.

This man, he knows!

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