Urban Strengthening System

Chapter 1765: Corpse Gu

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After a while, the members of the Yuwen family were only Yuwen Zuoye and Yuwen Lianxi.

Yuwen Lianxi threw away the short knife in his hand, kneeled to the ground, and wept silently.

"Waste, they died for the future of the Yuwen family, what's so sad?

Hurry up! "

After being reprimanded by Yuwen Zuoye, Yuwen Lianxi gritted his teeth and picked up the short knife.

He used the short knife to smear some blood on the bodies of those Yuwen family members, and then smeared on the sarcophagus in the stone house.

Ye Hong discovered at this time that these sarcophagi were not placed randomly.

The orientation of all sarcophagi seems to coincide with a certain pattern.

Blood smeared on the sarcophagus, and the limestone on the surface of the sarcophagus fell to the ground.

The blood and lime seemed to produce some kind of reaction, which turned into gray blood flow and gathered towards the foot of Yuwen Zuoye.

The gray blood flow rushed into Yu Wen Zuoye's body, making his blue skin gradually stained with layers of gray.

And the atmosphere of Yuwen Zuoye is also skyrocketing!


Yuwen Zuoye raised his hands, feeling the fullness of his strength, and looked comfortable.

"As you can see, this is the banned method passed down from generation to generation of our Yuwen family [The Corpse Gu Formation]!

Those who had just been killed were all raised with the blood of the old man [Dead Gu]!

The old man's blood usually parasitic in them, absorbing enough nutrients.

After killing them, using their resentment as a guide, and using their blood as the material, you can start the large corpse Gu in this room!

The big team will reclaim their blood into the old man's body.

And the old man who has absorbed these fresh blood will become the most powerful existence in the world!

Hahahahaha! "

Looking at Yuwen Zuoye, who was laughing violently, Ye Hong burst into anger.

This heartbroken guy is actually a man, and he is also a member of his family!

Among those who were just killed, Yu Wen Zuoye's blood was close to him.

But even so, he still let Yu Wenlian kill them without blinking.

These scumbags can be called by demons.

For the first time, Yehong wanted to make a person disappear in this world!

However, at this moment, Yehong was unable to stop the large array from running.

It was only after he dealt with the energy consumed by the three corpses and nine insects that he recovered his fur!

As time passed, Yuwen Zuoye absorbed more and more blood, and his breath became stronger and stronger.

Just when Ye Hong was anxious, there was a sudden commotion outside the door.



The sound of screams mixed with the sound of falling to the ground made Yuwen Zuoye and Yuwen Lian's face change greatly.


The door of the stone house was suddenly kicked open, and about ten fiery figures came in.

They wore red cloaks and red caps, and even covered their faces with red masks.

Between the raids, like a burning flame, Yuwen Zuoye and Yuwen Lianxi group were surrounded.

"Who are you? What's wrong with the old husband's family?!"

Yuwen Saoye asked ugly.

"The Yuwen family violated the ban on the ancient martial arts, endangering the safety of ordinary people and wrecking the world.

Specially ordered by the Xuanyuan family, exterminate on the spot! "

The leading red figure, not tall, is quite honest.

A voice without any emotion came from his mask.

Ye Hong's eyes narrowed, and he thought the sound was familiar.

But Yuwen Zuoye and Yuwen Lianxi were dull.

"Xuanyuan family?! Impossible!!!"

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