Urban Strengthening System

Chapter 1771: Shrine idol

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At this time, Ye Hong also found that his cell phone didn't know when there was no signal.

On the way to the manor, Du Gu explained to Ye Hong the structure of the manor.

He did not know the mysterious power that left the manor in the deep pit, but he knew that there were countless institutions buried under the manor.

There are agencies that shield communication signals, agencies that interfere with air, even agencies that shield satellite exploration, and countless other agencies.

The number is so large that even if I often come to Dugu, I only understand Jiu Niu.

But this can explain why there is no information about this manor online.

The mysterious manor, shielded from all outside investigations, must be gray on the satellite map.

The dilapidated manor has no decent door.

After entering the manor, everything that I passed was broken furniture, cracked floor tiles, weathered wooden walls...

This desolate scene reminded Ye Hong of what Yuwen Zuoye said yesterday.

[The Xuanyuan family is long gone. 】

Is it true that what he said is true?

After entering the manor, Du Gu became silent.

In other words, it is to maintain a great deal of awe and piety.

Walking on the almost ruined manor, almost traversing the whole manor, the lonely man finally stopped.

At this time, the two of them were standing in a strange stone house.

Among the ruins, this stone house is the most well-preserved room.

Inside the stone house, almost nothing.

In addition to the two large living people, there was only a half-height shrine and a box full of bamboo sticks.

Ye Hong was a little stunned.

Wasn't Du Gu said to bring him to see [that man]?

Where are people?

Facing Ye Hong's doubtful eyes, Du Gu was silently pointing at the shrine: "The one you are looking for is inside."


Ye Hong opened the door of the shrine suspiciously, but his pupils shrank.

Inside the shrine, a golden human figure stood quietly.

The man wore a hood and did not sculpt his face.

With one hand up, hold the ten-hole bone xun.

With one hand down, hold the ten-hole bone flute.

Foot dragon and phoenix, Shenwei restrained.

The whole sculpture is extremely finely sculpted, and every detail is so vivid, as if there is a living soul living in the statue.

But this is not the place that surprised Ye Hong.

Ye Hong was very surprised that he had seen similar statues in other places!

One was in the mural of Yao family, the other was in the fragment of Duanmu's mind when he was in contact with Wannian Guxiao, and the other was in the statue in the Taiyuan Palace of Wuxing Temple.

Three times without exception, it is the appearance of this statue!

Does that mean that they are the same person?

But who is he? What does it have to do with the Xuanyuan family?

Just when Ye Hong stared blankly at the statue, his eyes were dumb and dumb.

"Pray prayers to the idol and ask what you want to know in your heart. The idol will naturally respond to you."

Ye Hong frowned slightly. Although he felt that this kind of thing was a bit nagging, but after so many books, he seemed to accept even strange things.

Because of the awkwardness in the heart, Ye Hong folded his hands together, closed his eyes, and began to ask the questions that haunted him.

Including the mysteries of forty years ago, the mystery of Xuanyuan Dynasty and prehistoric civilization, and so on.

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