Urban Strengthening System

Chapter 1775: Jin Yi Pavilion

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The old and young who had just quarreled were also embarrassed.

They may be powerful in their respective provincial temples, but in this Kyoto, in front of this temple, their energy is far less than a temple adviser!

If the temple adviser is a guest of the temple, then the two of them are equivalent to sweeping the door.

Thinking of Fang's reprimand to Ye Hong, the two's faces couldn't help being unnatural.

"Who told him not to take the special channel for consultants as a consultant, but also to squeeze outside channels with our grassroots officials."

"That's right, can this blame us for having no eyes?"

The two actually reached a unified opinion again in this strange place.

The Yanwu warrior looked at the strange couple with a smile, shook his head, and said lightly: "In a place like Kyoto, the ground is full of big people.

Those who are a little smarter know that they should take away their arrogance, otherwise they might be cleaned up silently by the existence of a consultant like Fang Cai.

I have seen many pretentious people for so many years in guarding the temple, but I rarely see them for the second time. "

Suddenly, the young man and his wife were cold all the time, and they returned to the back of the team grayly, and they lined up obediently.

Ye Hong did not know the follow-up outside Tianshu Gate, he was heading to his destination while enjoying the beautiful view of the temple.

Unlike many outsiders imagine, the temple is not only solemn, but also has beautiful scenery, and also has flowers and flowers.

In the huge temple, there are a lot of ancient Yan style palaces.

Glazed golden tiles, green bricks and red walls, full of ancient meaning.

The various departments in the temple are located in these palaces.

And connected to the palaces everywhere, there are beautiful towers, gardens, arch bridges, ponds...

It seems that this is not a place for office, but a magnificent ancient manor.

Along the way, you can often see rushing pedestrians running around in the palaces.

You can also see a lot of extraordinary big men coming down from a car.

Ye Hong, who is too young, has become the object of countless sight.

It is not uncommon for people who can enter places like the temple to be as young as Yehong.

Just when Ye Hong's identity was constantly guessed, he finally came to the destination of this trip-

[Jinyi Pavilion] where the temple [Jin Group] is located.

Because it was the Jin group that led the formation of the Archaeological Union this time. In addition, this meeting was of great importance. After the study of the temple, it was decided to hold it in the Jin group.

Pick up the phone, five minutes before the agreed time.

No more, no less, just right.

However, when Ye Hong entered the Jinyi Pavilion and came to the meeting room in the attic, he found that the old men in the archaeological world had already sat at the table.

Seeing that Ye Hong was only here, they were all unhappy.

In particular, Lei Ming, the dean of the Beijing University School of Archaeology, and Liu Zhaoxi, a professor of archaeology at Beijing University, were also looking strange.

As for the acting president of Yehong, everyone present was not very convinced.

In their view, Ye Hong was only able to sit on this chair because he happened to be **** luck and had prehistoric civilization research experience.

Compared to those of them who have devoted themselves to archaeology for most of their lives, Ye Hong has no archaeological achievements at all!

Lei Ming and Liu Zhaoxi took advantage of this kind of psychology and visited these people in the past few days, preparing to give Ye Hong a big "surprise" at today's meeting!

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