Urban Strengthening System

Chapter 1778: Because you are all waste

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"As for why I should submit the result to me..."

Ye Hong was even more disdainful and said mercilessly: "Of course because you are a group of big waste, I don't think you can analyze the research results."

These straightforward words made Du Bin, a director of the Jin group, look dull.

How dare I say this kid!

The people who were ridiculed by Ye Hong as big waste first stood still for three seconds, and then broke out with a violent abuse!

"Yeyun! You're just a student with better luck, what qualifications are so humiliating for me to wait!"

"Director Du, if you insist on appointing such a person as the chairman, I can only declare Lei Ming withdraw from the alliance meeting!"

"Me Lin Bai too!"

"And my Qiao Shuang!"

"And I......"

Facing the angry people, Du Bin smiled bitterly.

He has been in the temple for so many years, and has never seen such a crazy person in the night. This time, he has offended most of the archaeological community!

Does he really want to get down in the archaeological world?

"Yeyun, if you know him, you will resign from this position yourself!"

"Because you don't deserve it!"

Liu Zhaoxi saw that everyone was on his side. The confidence that had been defeated by Ye Hong returned to his body again.

Just when Du Bin did not know what to do with the situation in front of him, there was a majestic female voice outside the door of the meeting room: "Who said he was unworthy?"

The sound is not loud, but it seems to bring some kind of force to suppress people's hearts, so that the meeting room can not help but quiet.

The door was gently pushed open, and a graceful figure walked into the meeting room.

I saw this was a middle-aged beautiful woman in her early thirties.

The long, dark hair was tied high with brown, long hairpins.

Under the exquisite makeup, it is a goose egg face with classical beauty.

A simple black professional dress adds some elegance and mystery to it.

Before everyone understood the identity of this mature beauty, they saw Du Bin with a respectful introduction: "Everyone, this is our Jin team leader, Ms. Shen Ximing."

Everyone was shocked at the scene, not daring to sit in the seat, and all stood up in a hurry.

The leader of the Jin team is Du Bin, the head of a director of the Jin team, and the highest person in charge of the Jin team.

If her status is placed in each province, it will be on an equal footing with the directors of the provincial hall!

Everyone who wants to see such a big person can't see it, but they didn't expect to appear in the meeting room at the moment.

Ye Hong also had some surprises.

He now has a general understanding of the effectiveness of this division of the team.

That is directly responsible for the Holy See, usually dealing with all kinds of hidden things, such as this secret study.

This is why Qin Zhengyan and Wei Qianling are not aware of this Jin group language.

The highest person in charge of such a department is generally not easily exposed to the world.

Because of the appearance of Shen Ximing, Ye Hong couldn't figure out why.

In the silence, Shen Ximing glanced at Ye Hong first, then looked at the crowd, and repeated the sentence of Fang Cai again: "Who said he was unworthy?"

Everyone looked at each other.

Liu Zhaoxi bravely asked, "What did Team Shen say [he], is it...?"

"Nonsense, of course, your president Ye Yun!

He is the chairman appointed by our team. Do you say that he is unworthy? Is he taunting our team for lack of vision? ! "

Shen Ximing's suddenly squinted eyes, and the majestic mountain that radiated at that moment, almost scared Liu Zhaoxi's calf cramps!

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