Urban Strengthening System

Chapter 1787: Battered sea eagle

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"Don't be shy, everyone in the water, come out quickly.

The so-called visitor is a guest, we Haiye Island will definitely entertain you! "

Although Jiang Yuyun said these words with a smile, his eyes were full of murderousness.

Only then did she notice that something was wrong with the silver pen painter and Fifth Qinglan.

And after Fifth Qinglan led her away, she was even more absent-minded, with a bunch of useless nonsense in her mouth.

Jiang Yuyun knew that, but did not dismantle it on the spot, but silently transferred his troops.

It was not until this moment that the silver pen painter and Fifth Qinglan were arrested recklessly, without giving them any chance to escape!

At the same time, under the sea.

[Haiying] people felt the movement from the sea, and the eyes behind the mask were full of surprise.

"Two wastes."

"Since it is..."

The woman with the golden mask flashed murderously in her eyes, and scolded an attacking gesture to her hand.

"Go! Kill them all!"

A black figure flew from the bottom of the sea like a soaring cannonball and landed firmly on the beach.

Looking at the group of masked figures, Jiang Yuyun smiled coldly: "The fifth family?"

"It is the elite of the fifth family-[Sea Eagle]."

Ono and Kanaha don't know when they came to Jiang Yuyun. Looking at these figures, their faces are complicated.

"【Haiying】was originally a guardian elite guarding the fifth family.

Good at fighting in the water, extremely concealed.

But in that rebellion that year, [Sea Eagle] suddenly turned the gun head and became a sharp knife in the side hand, and gave us a knife! "

Kuang Yu looked bitter, gritting his teeth.

"It seems that they are determined to save the fifth Qinglan, and even the elite like [Haiying] is dispatched."

After listening to the explanation, Jiang Yuyun said with a blank expression: "Despite what kind of eagle he is, dare to come to Haiye Island today to make a time, and let them become a group of hairless vultures!"

"Be careful, their strength is above me."

Kuang Yu reminded.

At the same time, in addition to the woman with the golden mask, [Haiying] the rest of the men and women attacked the members of the night blade without warning!

On the beach, [Sea Eagle] has only a dozen people, and Yeblad has nearly a hundred people.

However, as if they did not see the gap in numbers, they rushed indifferently.

In just an instant, the dual conveniences were together.

Their way of fighting is very similar to that of Xuan Yu like Kuang Yu, and they all take close combat.

Every punch and foot seems to be violent and ferocious with the power of a lion tiger.

In the moment of contact, Yeren's people were forced to retreat a lot.

However, it was only forced to retreat.

Although it seemed to be embarrassed, Yeren's people were not injured.

Not only that, but there are signs of pushing back.

"Dark Meteor Palm!"

"The sky is dark!"

"Yinyin Cross Kill!"

Under the night sky, there were roars of members of the night blade.

All mysterious ancient martial arts moves were shot on the sea eagles.

They cooperated in a tacit agreement and took turns in battle, as if a tide was rolling, pushing the sea eagles to the beach.

The descendants of the clan guards in the rear all looked at this scene with excited little faces.

"Yehong's brother Yewu's classic is so powerful! It's impossible to fight those bad guys!"

"I will definitely practice Yewu Zhendian in the future, and strive to join the Yefeng Squad as soon as possible to help Brother Yehong share his worries!"

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