Urban Strengthening System

Chapter 1792: I let you die without corpses!

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Another deep hole.

This time, it exploded at the foot of Wu Chi.


Wu Chi yelled and fell into the pit.

However, Ye Hong was not at all worried about the old bastard.

He could hear it in his excited voice, and this tactics could not help him at all.

On the contrary, he should just feel fun.

However, Fifth Qingtong didn't seem to hope that this trick would get the famous Wu Chi.

This move is just a false move.

After a sham shot, Fifth Qingtong's figure was rushing in another direction.

Her real purpose is Jiang Yuyun!

"If you dare to move her a hair, I will let you die without corpses!"

A cold, icy voice resounded through the air.

Ye Hong paused his feelings in his head and spoke out coldly.

Jiang Yuyun is a member of Ye Ren and the leader of the Yemou team.

Perhaps it was because of guilt about the mistakes he had made, or to forget those unpleasant things, Jiang Yuyun was so painstaking in Ye Ren that he forgot to sleep and forget to eat.

In the absence of Ye Hong, Jiang Yuyun managed the huge night blade giant with all his efforts.

Unconsciously, Ye Hong not only regarded Jiang Yuyun as his chief counselor, but also treated her as a relative.

With Ye Hong's personality, who dares to move his relatives and friends, the end is definitely not enough to describe the word miserable!

Jiang Yuyun looked at Ye Hong's murderous face, but somehow he laughed heartlessly.

With a smile, a warm tear came out of the corner of my eyes.

At this moment of life and death, Jiang Yuyun suddenly felt that all these things he had bowed to devise for Ye Hong had meaning.

Even if she would die in the hands of Fifth Qingtong in the next second, she could die without regret.

The air suddenly dropped several temperatures, and Fifth Qingtong couldn't help shaking.

However, she did not give up, but said coldly without looking back: "If you can bear you, stop me."

"Find your own way!"

Ye Hong moved with anger and chased a large amount in just a moment.

However, Ye Hong, who was full of anger, didn't find a cunning flash in his fifth Qingtong eyes.

As Ye Hong was approaching, Fifth Qingtong changed direction again!

This time, the goal is the surrounded fifth Qinglan and silver pen painter.

Could it be that she never gave up to save the two, only to make a series of false moves, just for this purpose? !

When Ye Hong saw this scene, her pupils shrank.

He hurried to calm himself down, not to be led by Fifth Qingtong.

"All Nightblade members, first withdraw!"

In order to avoid unnecessary casualties, Ye Hong ordered the members of Ye Jian who were around them to withdraw first.

Yeren's people don't have the kind of dog blood bridges in the TV series.

After judging the huge gap between the two sides, they immediately stepped aside, preparing to let Ye Hong deal with this woman.

"Miss Qingtong, please leave us alone, hurry and go!"

The silver pen painter saw the fifth Qingtong coming towards himself, but he smiled bitterly.

If you change it to something, he is definitely very happy.

But after feeling the horror of Yehong, the silver pen painter suspected that Wu Qingtong would have difficulty escaping Yehong's claws, not to mention carrying two burdens.

So he sincerely persuaded Fifth Qingtong to leave them alone.

However, a scene that surprised everyone present suddenly appeared!

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