Urban Strengthening System

Chapter 1798: Catastrophe

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Forty years ago, the four major kitchenware were born.

At the same time, the four master chefs have sprung up and relied on magical dishes to gain countless fans.

It is a pity that the good times are not long, and the four must have announced the golden basin to wash hands.

But the legend of the four major kitchen utensils has been widely circulated, and many people have started to think of the four major kitchen utensils.

One of the most powerful forces is the top ten ancient ethnic groups in Kyoto.

Four amazing worlds, ten ancient towns of Kyoto.

This nursery rhyme was contested in Kyoto that year.

The top ten ancient people claimed that the four major kitchen utensils were the heirloom of their ancient clan, and shouted that the four great kitchen gods would hand over the kitchen utensils.

This move caused dissatisfaction among the proponents of the four musts.

There was much conflict between the two parties, and it gradually escalated from a petty fight to a fatal one.

Later, things got worse and worse, even the ancient martial world was involved.

In this war, many people have forgotten that the fuse that ignited the war is the four major kitchen utensils, but they are constantly fighting each other.

The new hatred added to the old hate, many people killed their red eyes, and the entire ancient martial world was instantly flooded with killings.

The ancient people are not immune.

Many of the ancient celebrities, once famous, suffered heavy casualties because of the war and suddenly fell.

Among them are the Nalan family, Murong family, and Oriental family among the top ten ancient ethnic groups.

This sudden war is the so-called "big catastrophe".

Just as [The Great Tribulation] was about to spread to the secular world, the Xuanyuan family of the top ten ancient races had no action.

The heirs of the Xuanyuan family immediately stepped out of the Beijing suburban manor.

One slap awakened the ancient tribe, and the other slap conquered the ancient warriors.

With the help of one person, turning the tide, the building will be tilted.

With one person's strength, end the chaotic world and eliminate the catastrophe.

And put down that famous ban.

However, after the catastrophe, the entire ancient martial arts world has been riddled with holes.

The silver pen artist Ge Dan and his wife Fang Qin were also the victims of the catastrophe.

After being involved in the catastrophe, Fang Qin was just an ordinary person. He was accidentally injured by the red-eyed ancient martial arts. He was seriously injured and his life was in critical condition.

Ge Dan took Fang Qin and sought out the famous doctors all over the world, but he didn't have the power to return to the sky.

When Ge Dan was desperate, he encountered a man who claimed to be from the fifth family.

He claimed that there was a way to cure Fang Qin.

But the condition is that Ge Dan has to obey the orders of the fifth family.

Ge Dan agreed without hesitation.

After that, the fifth family really cured Fang Qin.

Ge Dan also did many things for the fifth family.

Later, Ge Dan and Fang Qin settled and lived in the fifth family, and successfully married under the witness of the fifth family.

Because Fang Qin was injured, his body was affected a little, and he has never been able to conceive a child.

It was not until more than ten years ago that the two of them had a daughter.

However, due to physical reasons, coupled with the elderly women, Fang Qin did not support it, and died after giving birth to his daughter for Ge Dan.

Ge Dan was heartbroken and prepared to die together.

However, the fifth family advised him to continue to live.

Because of their daughter.

"I followed the advice and lived with pain.

I didn't want my daughter to grow up in a family that was born with disabilities, and I didn't want to marry again, so I sent my daughter into the fifth family, and the fifth family gave her a family status.

And I, as her teacher, silently followed her to protect her..."

Ge Dan smiled bitterly: "This is what I want to tell you."

Ye Hong's mouth twitched, and an egg hurt.

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