Urban Strengthening System

Chapter 1811: If you want to write, you can do it

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Ye Hong rarely practiced calligraphy, but it did not mean that he could not calligraphy.

"Ding! Trigger mastery calligraphy ability, trigger mastery imitation ability..."

The pen in Yehong's hand swam fast on the paper, like a dragon running along a snake.

Take a picture, draw a circle, move forward and backward, flowing through the clouds.

Soon, a vigorous and powerful character appeared in front of Wei Hongshu and Zeng Tao.

After seeing this work, both eyes were shocked.

"Qunhong plays the sea, Wuheyoutian... How come this word is so familiar?!"

Zeng Taoyin suddenly looked at Wei Hongshu, and pointed at him exclaimed: "Wei Gong, isn't this your work?"

Wei Hongshu also looked blankly at the words hanging on the wall.

That is a picture of Wei Hongshu's own.

It is weird that the word written by Ye Hong is exactly the same as the one on the wall!

If you didn’t see Ye Hong’s writing in person, you both have to wonder if the work in front of you was copied directly!

"How did you do it?"

The two elderly people who were almost in their sixties, looked at Yehong silly, like two ignorant children.

Ye Hong spread his hands and said lightly: "If you want to write, you can do it."

Zeng Tao was in danger of spitting out old blood with some of Bao'er's eh Yehong's understatement.

The calligraphy should be as simple as Ye Hong said, and he was not worried about finding his apprentice.

But unconsciously, Zeng Taoyin had no contempt for Fang Cai, but re-examined Yehong.

He frowned: "Is your kid bluffing me with Wei Gong?"

Wei Hongshu immediately smiled bitterly: "Zenggong, I have to know that this kid is so evil, and I will accept myself as an apprentice."

The world can learn from it, Wei Hongshu thought that Ye Hong was a learning genius before, and he couldn't bear to bury his literary talent, so he decided to give Ye Hong a fortune and make him worship Zeng Taoyin as a teacher.

But where did Wei Hongshu think about it, Ye Hong's calligraphy ability is so evil!

Therefore, Wei Hongshu now regrets his intestines, and always feels that a piece of meat has been cut off from his heart-a big loss!

"Humph! I don't believe it."

Zeng Taoyin shook his head in disbelief, and suddenly looked at Ye Hong with a light face: "If you can imitate the essence of my Zeng Feng cursive script, I will not accept you as a disciple, and I will call you a teacher directly. .

Don't you dare? "

It seems that this suspicious old man still confuses Ye Dinghong and Wei Hongshu together.

Wei Hongshu smiled helplessly, but Ye Hong smiled confidently: "What's so difficult?"

Just raise the pen and write again.

I do not know why, seeing Ye Hong's calm smile, Zeng Tao was deeply disturbed in his heart.

Ye Hong's brushwork this time is very different from that of Fang Cai.

If it's just the Dragon Snake, now it's a flash of electricity, and the pen end changes.

One of Zeng Feng's cursive features is its variability.

Every tick and every point not only brings the strong Zeng style, but also mixes the characteristics of the famous masters of the past.

That's exactly why Zeng Fengcao was so difficult to imitate.

However, these difficulties are not worth mentioning to Ye Hong.

"Ding! Trigger mastery calligraphy ability, trigger mastery imitation ability..."

After a while, a pen-and-ink work reappeared again.

Zeng Taoyin was completely dumbfounded.

He picked up the rice paper with trembling hands and leaned in for a closer look.

The protruding eyes are almost connected to the paper.

However, no matter how critical he is, he can't pick any point in this work that is different from Zeng Feng's cursive.

It's like Zeng Taoyin's personal writing.

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