Urban Strengthening System

Chapter 1813: Take the text as a soldier and protect him comprehensively

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Ye Hong asked Zeng Taoyin to help the inscription restaurant, of course, the fifth noodle restaurant that Qinglan will open soon.

Although the owner of this noodle restaurant is the fifth Qinglan on the surface, the source of funds and the actual controller is Yehong.

So don't look at Ye Hong's indifferent appearance on the surface, but secretly he is very concerned about this store.

If you can invite the legendary inscription of Zeng Fengshusheng by then, it will be a happy event for Noodle House.

Although this time did not allow Ye Hong to worship Zeng Taoyin as a teacher, I wondered if he discovered Ye Hong's new talent, but Wei Hongshu showed his extraordinary joy.

After Ye Hong left, Wei Hongshu still kept this joy on his face.

"You almost got it. Seeing your old friend eat deflated, is it necessary to be so happy?"

Zeng Tao took a sip of tea indignantly and felt only bitter.

"Hahaha, I am really happy for this kid.

Don’t be sad, Zeng Gong, if you know the kid’s identity, you will feel much better. "

Seeing Wei Hongshu's mysterious look, Zeng Taoyin couldn't help wondering: "Look at you like this, is this kid a good start?"

"It's not just a little bit."

Wei Hongshu's face suddenly became serious.

He found a reason for Secretary Zhang to go outside.

At the same time, the doors and windows were closed tightly, and even a wind could hardly penetrate.

Zeng Taoyin was even more surprised to look at Wei Hongshu's so serious business.

Speaking of Ye Hong's background, is it necessary to be so careful?

However, the next sentence of Wei Hongshu made Zeng Taoyin feel that these actions were not exaggerated.

After finishing all of this, Wei Hongshu said to Zeng Taoyin, "He is the descendant of [Four Jue]!"


Zeng Taoyin was so terrified that the tea in the cup directly splashed him.

However, Zeng Taoyin didn't care about wiping, but his eyes widened and murmured: "The last name is Ye, he is [heartless]..."

"Nothing wrong." Wei Hongshu sighed silently: "We were all [four must-have] fans back then, and instead of the young people's online language, are they their "fans"?

But those of us who support us can only watch the four golden pots wash their hands one by one.

As soon as I knew Ye Hong's identity, I vowed to do my best to take good care of him and make up for the deficits of the four chefs. "

Zeng Taoyin was stunned for a long time, and he sighed: "Why didn't you tell me earlier, we didn't treat him like that..."

"Ah, I'm not worried about being noticed by him.

Those sad things, I still don't want him to know. "

"Then why do you tell me now?"

Wei Hongshu solemnly said: "Because I discovered that the forces that persecuted the four must have made a comeback.

So old friend, I need your help. "

Zeng Taoyin laughed at himself: "I am just a character, what can I do?"

"No, it's different now.

At that time, we were young and inaction, and our foundation was deep, so we couldn't do much.

But now we are also holding a pen holder, and its influence in the literary world is not low.

If someone is found to be unfavorable to Yehong at that time, we can raise the pen and use the text as a soldier to call on the strength of the literary world to protect Yehong! "

Zeng Taoyin listened and nodded solemnly.


Early next morning, a new noodle restaurant was opened in Tengxiang District.

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