Urban Strengthening System

Chapter 1820: Tons tons tons tons

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Ye Hong pulled away Ding Zhao with a crazy face and leaned over to investigate Fei Wu's injury.

Fei Wu at this time had already been beaten in a coma.

His clothes were already ragged, and there were several clear shoe marks on his face, which were extremely miserable.

Ye Hong shook his head, got up and walked to the dormitory next door, knocked on the door.

There was silence in the door.

Ye Hong frowned and used force to remove the entire door lock.

After pushing the door open, Ye Hong saw the six boys hugged tightly, shrinking in the corner of the dormitory, and looked at the door lock in Ye Hong's hand in horror.

"Help me send someone to the hospital, is there a problem?"

Ye Hong asked lightly.

The six boys from the sports school shook their heads suddenly, fearing that their end would be the same as the door lock.

After that, Ye Hong threw the unconscious Fei Wu to them, and returned to 503 himself.

As soon as he entered the door, he found Ding Zhao sitting on the ground with a lonely face.

Xiao Cao, Guo Huang and Rekza didn't know how to comfort them, they could only scold Fei Wu and Buer angrily beside him.

Ye Hong thought for a while and suddenly said, "Go, take you to drink."

As soon as these words came out, everyone immediately responded.

Ding Zhao's lips moved, and he followed them numbly.

Five people came out of Jiang Da and came to the nearest student street of Jiang University.

The student street at night is filled with smoke, and many food stalls have opened.

Countless students strolled leisurely on the street.

There are also many non-student faces.

It turns out that Jiangda Student Street is famous for Bailu City because of this lively night market.

Therefore, many people from other places will also visit this student street at night.

Yehong and his party rarely come to this student street on weekdays, but I heard that the food stalls here are very popular with students.

So a few people picked a fairly clean food stall and sat down.

The boss of this food stall is a bald uncle wearing a vest and is busy cooking at the stove.

Seeing a few people sitting down, the proprietress who still had charm still quickly twisted her waist and came over and asked with a smile: "How many handsome guys are born, come for the first time?"

Ding Zhao was quite listless.

Guo Huang and Rekza haven't been to this place, looking at the menu somewhat restrained.

On the contrary, Xiao Cao, who had seen the storms and waves, waved his hand directly: "Put all the good dishes of your restaurant on one plate, and come with a box of good wine!

Rest assured, we have a master who is not short of money. "

With that said, he raised an eyebrow at Yehong.

Ye Hong couldn't help crying, but he didn't object.

Xiao Cao's words seem exaggerated, but they also tell the truth.

With Yehong's financial resources, it is no problem to buy this food stall directly.

It's so that Xiao Cao got into trouble.

The boss lady heard that it was a brow and smiled, and went back happily to explain to the boss.

The boss who was cooking was looking back in amazement. Apparently, he had never met such a generous person.

The action of cooking vegetables in hand is even harder.

Soon, one dish after another came to the table.

At the same time, there is a box of liquor from the store.

However, due to environmental constraints, the shop only has beer that Yeh Hung doesn't like very much.

But other people are not so particular about Yehong, and they started drinking with small dishes.

At first, Ding Zhao was somewhat astringent. Later, he stood up directly and picked up the wine bottle.

"Tons Tons Tons—"

"Ooooo-Lao Tzu's first love!"

In the food stall, Ding Zhaogui's crying and howling roared suddenly.

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