Urban Strengthening System

Chapter 1822: Maid-themed Internet Cafe

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The Internet cafe in front of you is called [Shenghui Internet Cafe].

The stylish decoration and trendy storefronts all make people shine.

"Youngest, are you taking us to the Internet?"

Xiao Cao looked at Shenghui's Internet cafe with contempt: "Isn't it good to play games in the dormitory, is it necessary to come to this place specifically?"

"You know Mao! Playing games in internet cafes and playing games in dorms, can that be the same?!"

Guo Huang rolled his big eyes to Xiao Cao, and suddenly showed a meaningful smirk: "Don't talk nonsense, follow me in, and guarantee you don't regret it!"

Everyone followed Guo Huang into the internet cafe suspiciously while listening to Guo Huang introducing Shenghui Internet Cafe.

"I started by listening to a senior.

He said that there will often be offline competitions here, as well as generous bonuses.

But it wasn’t until I came here that I realized there were more pleasant things..."

Before finishing the speech, everyone had walked down the corridor to the entrance on the second floor.

Just opened the yellow curtain, and his eyes suddenly lit up.

No, it was suddenly beautiful.

Eight beautiful women dressed in black and white maid costumes stood in a row, shouting in a soft and soft tone: "Welcome."

It is worth mentioning that several people shouted in the national language of Sakura.

Anyone who has watched a little bit of the cherry blossom anime has a wonderful feeling of being in the maid cafe.

Xiao Cao's originally calm face suddenly collapsed, showing a look of enjoyment.

They finally understood what Guo Huang said was more pleasant.

It turns out that this Shenghui Internet cafe is actually a maid-themed Internet cafe!

Among the crowd, only Ye Hong had no fluctuations in his eyes.

Speaking of the maid, which of the ten chicks wearing iron maid costumes at night food is not prettier than the vulgar powders in front of you?

Ye Hong, whose eyes are raised, is like watching Batan Shui at the moment, with no waves in his heart.

After the maid-welcome battle, Guo Huang continued to walk in with the crowd.

The hall of Shenghui Internet Cafe adopts the extremely luxurious stained glass curtain wall as the main body, supplemented by the style of ancient wind screens.

Rows of computer desks are neatly arranged in the major areas.

Occasionally separated by screens, there are so-called luxury boxes.

At a glance, it's like being in a palace.

Internet access in this place is a pleasure, both visually and visually.

It is no wonder that Guo Huang will respect this place.

Rekza and Ding Zhao have already exclaimed.

Xiao Cao, who has seen many big scenes, can't pick out anything wrong.

Only Yehong kept his indifferent face.Jpg.

Compared with the luxurious Poseidon Palace, the decoration in front of you is almost one in the sky and one in the ground.

Guo Huang, on the side, continued to introduce: "Li Shenghui, the owner of Shenghui Internet Cafe, is the second generation of Qianguo Fu who came to start his business in Bailu.

He is a generous person and often sends us network fees.

There are no shortcomings other than frequent mouth talk.

Well, that guy is Li Shenghui. "

Following Guo Huang's instructions, everyone saw a handsome young man standing behind the counter.

He dyed his brown hair and covered half his eyes with unruly oblique bangs.

The pink shirt is so unobtrusively paired with the royal blue slacks.

The white leather shoes on the feet were spotless and the brand logo on the shoes was faintly visible.

This is a special introduction that no one knows. There is a mine at home.

"Brother Hui, do you still have a five-person box?"

Guo Huang leaned over to the counter and asked with a smile.

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