Urban Strengthening System

Chapter 1824: Let me wipe it, zero plan!

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"Is there anything else that the fifth can't do?"

Rekza looked suspicious in life.

"Forget it, let's not compare this monster with him, otherwise the courage to survive will be lost one day."

Guo Huang shook his head bitterly and led several people to keep up with Yehong.

Five people finally chose five quieter locations near the corner.

"Tomorrow weekend, shall we have a good night?"

Guo Huang just sat down and smiled badly: "By the way, celebrate the fourth son's love break!"

"Go to hell!"

Ding Zhao drank a meal, but it was not so heartbroken.

He glared at Guo Huang, put on his headphones, and silently opened the Orphan League.

The other few smiled at each other and opened the game.

As Guo Huang said, playing games in Internet cafes is really another novel experience.

Depression roaring from time to time came from ear to ear, mixed with the surprise sound of the best equipment.

Large-screen display, luxurious gaming peripherals...all give people a smooth gaming experience.

There was also a beautiful waiter in a maid costume who brought them tea.

However, five people have long been immersed in the canyon of the Orphan League, and have no time to take care of this waiter.

The waiter pouted his mouth in depression, and wanted to put down the tea and walked away, but his eyes were not attracted by the game interface of several people.

"Orphan League's latest set of skins [Zero Project]?"

She immediately covered her mouth, but still could not help but exclaim.

Recently, the 10th anniversary of the Orphans Union officially released a set of cool commemorative skins [Zero Plan].

This set of skins includes the ten most popular heroes in the Orphan League.

Every skin costs a lot of cost. I heard that several world-renowned top painters were invited to paint the skin.

Therefore, the skin price is also extremely high.

The whole set of zero plan skin suit price: 9998 Yan national currency.

Ordinary people simply can't afford it and can only watch the zero plan skin in the mall silently drool.

But the waiter found out that the five people in front of us all had a set of zero plan skins.

what does this mean?

It means that five big money are sitting in front of yourself!

The waiter immediately withdrew the pace of the departure, and looked at the five computers in front of him in a daze.

Or, five people watching the computer.

Where did she know that all these five sets of skin were bought by Ye Hong alone.

That night, in the dormitory, Ye Hong saw that this new set of skin was beautiful, and bought it directly.

But this plain and simple operation made several animals in the dormitory scream.

They were all cheeky, and tearfully begged Yehong to send them a set.

Ye Hong didn't think about it, and gave them a set.

He simply didn't anticipate what kind of crit he had at this moment on a passing waiter.

"Beauty, have a cup of tea!"

Opposite Yehong's position, a young man wearing earrings waved to the waiter behind Yehong and others.

But the waiter didn't seem to hear it, and stared straight at him.

"Hey! Deaf?"

The young man stood up impatiently, preparing to come over to "wake up" the waiter.

But when he followed the waiter's gaze to the screen, he couldn't help shouting.

"Lying a slot! Zero plan!"

"What a special five sets!"

All of a sudden, the voice spread across most of the hall, attracting countless people to look around.

One after another came to watch the five local tyrants together.

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