Urban Strengthening System

Chapter 1833: It turns out your brother is so rich

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"I wipe it! Even the night **** is not yet a teenager?"

"It's such a horror in his minor years. Will he be able to wait for his adult life?!"

"Why did I live on the dog for the past 25 years?"

However, this is what shocked the people around me most.

"What else do you want to say?"

Ye Hong looked at Li Shenghui indifferently: "Or... want to talk to the people in the city hall in person?"

"No, no more!"

Li Shenghui's mouth twitched and shook his head again and again.

He turned back ugly to the counter, issued a contract of cancellation, and asked Ye Zhinuo to sign it.

At the beginning, this contract was signed by Ye Zhinuo and Shenghui Internet Cafe in the name of the team captain.

So when Ye Zhinuo vigorously signed the name, it also announced the end of the cooperation between [Phoenix Rose] and Shenghui Internet Cafe.

Li Shenghui had a painful face, but had to force a smile, and sent Ye Hong respectfully out of the internet cafe.

In this heart, don't mention how suffocating.

Outside the door, on Zhongmen Street.

Ye Hong said to several roommates: "You go back first, I won't go back to school today.

and also......"

He slightly apologized to Guo Huang: "I'm sorry, long head, it makes you hard to be a man."

"Lao Wu, this is not to blame you." Guo Huang sighed: "This is indeed the kindness that Hui Ge did."

Ye Hong patted Ding Zhao again on the shoulder and sighed silently.

It stands to reason that today was to comfort Ding Zhao, who enlightened the broken relationship, but did not expect to eventually become Ye Hong's family affair.

However, Ding Zhao was fully understandable, pointing at the sullen Ye Zhinuo and teasingly: "Finally, don't worry about me.

Let's think about how to comfort your little Phoenix at night! "

With that, he left with some roommates in gloating.

Ye Hong was about to take Ye Zhinuo away, but he noticed that several lines of sight behind him had been secretly aiming at him.

He turned his head and found the little girls who were [Phoenix Rose].

Seeing Ye Hong, several small heads immediately retracted into the corridor.

But soon he couldn't help but came out curiously.

With the cancellation of [Phoenix Rose] and Shenghui Internet Cafe, and the fact that the eldest sister of the team was taken away, the couple also became a pitiful state of "homeless".

Ye Hong frowned, and beckoned to them: "You also go back with me."

"Okay? Captain his brother!"

Several people suddenly smiled, and they followed.


Half an hour later, Tianheyuan, Yehong's home.

A few little girls have seen such a luxuriously decorated house, their eyes suddenly shine, and they look around curiously.

"Captain, it turns out that your brother is so rich, what other career do you play with us?"

Xiao Lan asked enviously.

Ye Zhinuo didn't seem to be in a mood to answer, and lowered his head in a dull mood.

However, from time to time, his eyes secretly aimed at Ye Hong who was busy in the kitchen.

Qin Hongshuang had wanted to come and care about what happened. When Ye Honghong's face was not very good-looking, she went back to the room with interest.

It didn't take long for Yehong to serve five bowls of steaming noodles.

"Wow! It smells so good!"

All the four little phoenixes could not help standing up, their index fingers moved, their eyes seemed to be attracted by the magnet, and they followed the face of Ye Hong's hand closely.

"Have some food first."

Ye Hong smiled.

The little girls immediately cheered, holding the noodle bowl and sucking up.

While raving about Ye Hong's craftsmanship, he was so hot that he was so hot.

Only Night Zhinuo remained silent.

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